はじめに 6  PREFACE 6 ・ 石川源晃著

右図は地球の南北の地軸が傾いているために地軸の揺らぎ の渦巻き運動が約二万五千八百年で一周することを描いて います。歳差(1年の差)では約五十秒になり約七十二年で 黄道(こうどう、太陽の通り道)の上を角度1度だけ逆行 しています。これは約二千百五十年で三十度だけ戻ること になります。時々刻々観測する遠方の固定星の位置が少し ずつ変化しますが、天文学では春分の時期の太陽の位置を 零に定めて、その後一年間は固定星の位置は変化しないも のとして天体観測をします。地軸の傾きはたとえば水星の ような太陽系の若い天体は直立していますが天王星のよう な古い天体は倒れています。地球も年をとって地軸がさら に傾いてきて歳差も大きくなるでしょうが、今後数百万年 は現在の歳差を維持できるでしょう。
Illustration at right side will indicate gyration of rotating axis of earth in the rate of twenty five thousand and eight hundred years for one cir- cle or fifty second for one year approximately in PRECESSION. This will be thirty degrees in twenty one hundred and fifty years in retrograde movement approximately observed. As the places of fixed stars located in remote places from earth have been changing time to time, however, convention in astronomy has defined artificially the places of fixed stars set unchanged from the point of spring ingress through one year elapsed. The de- grees of gyration of rotating axes in the solar system are different with their ages guessed. For example, young planet as Mercury has its axisin straight upright while the older planet as Uranus has its axis lean down inclined. In long future, the age of earth will get older that the value of PRECESSION will be increased. In these several million years of coming future, we can expect similar value of PRECESSION settled.

われわれは地球上に住んでいるので天体と人間の関係を考えるときに遠方の固定星も少しずつ動くという 現実を受け入れなければなりません。天文学が毎年の春分のときに天空の基準点の零度を設定しているよ うに、占星学のトロピカル方式は毎年のサイン「おひつじ」の零度を春分の時期にあわせています。 人々が疑問に思うように長い間にはサイン「おひつじ」の位置がずれてゆくのですし、また星座・牡羊座 は長さが約24度ですが、星座・魚座は長さが約40度近くもありますから、12個の星座を同じ長さで 配分できません。前ページで説明した「らせん形理論」はこの矛盾を解決する新しい方法です。
We are living on this earth with gyrating axis that we must accept the reality in the distant fixed stars which are moving when we refer the matters with stars in constellation observed. As study of astronomy accepts the moving point of zero degree convention that will be set fixed throughout one year from point of spring ingress or the vernal equinox of each year, the astrologers will accept the similar system that is called the TROPICAL system in which point of zero degree Aries to be set on the point of vernal equinox. Confusion aroused in some people that the point of sign Aries will change place in the heaven by moving considerably in long run and the span of constellation ARIES is only twenty four degrees where the span of constellation PISCES is long as forty degrees therefore we cannot expect same span for twelve zodiac constellation of stars. These are the reason why we have to find new note to solve such contradictions by now with the TROPICAL SYSTEM IN SPIRAL.

トロピカル方式は太陽の通り道(黄道・こうどう・エクリプティック)が地球上に描く回帰線 (トロピカル・ライン)と地球の赤道(せきどう)が交差する点を基準にしたものです。ref
The name TROPICAL SYSTEM is derived from the tropical line that the locus of pass route of the Sun on the surface of our global earth described. The point of spring ingress or vernal equinox is the point in crossing tropical line on the equator as illustrated in page of Preface-9. ref

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