はじめに 8 PREFACE 8 ・ 石川源晃著
Description in items on Aquarian Age is ten pages in total.
The illustration above will indicate the point of year that the spring ingress, or vernal
equinox leaves the area of constellation Pisces occupied. Although the illustration has
been taken from the knowledge of astronomy, however, this does not indicate any scientific
approval on the so called AQUARIAN AGE by the astronomy connoted. The scale of the
constellation Pisces is very large and the area of the constellation Aquarius is located
in overlap the area of Pisces. Therefore the definition of the AGE of constellation is
sometimes difficult to settle in one word found. As the Grecian logicality has settled
the twelve section of signs through out the whole sky that was imaginary divided by twelve
sets of constellation by the ancient people, the confusion among the afterward people is
unavoidable that has introduced mess of human understandings. The proposed AQUARIAN age will most probably come in the year between 2152 AD through 2700 AD.