The word Babylonia has been much more familiar to the people than the word Sumerian. Contrary to
the familiarity of the word Babylonia, the actual regime of Babylonian kingdom in the city of
BABYLON was much shorter
than the range of years that the most people have told on the Babylonian era briefly defined. We do
not know the oldest year that the ancient Sumerian had initiated their rich trade life, however,
the evidences of high class life style excavated at
Jarmo have enough to suggest that they
were already active in their trade and commercial business with surrounding countries since at least
ten thousand years ago. In the year 2350 BC or forty five hundred years ago approximately, the
Sargon First of Akkad city or the place near Baghdad Iraq had conquered the Sumerian regime and
the era of Sumerian of peaceful trade life in some five thousand years was terminated. It was however much later than the era of the Sargon family
the Babylonian kingdom was established; that was 1830 BC or about four thousand years ago.
High cultural civilization has risen in the kingdom of Babylonia. The CODE of Hammurabi that consisted
from neatly arranged text of 282 provisions was made public in the era of king Hammurabi crowned in
1728 BC or about thirty eight hundred years ago registered. This code is famous as this is the standard
example of nowadays laws in many countries.The kingdom of Babylonia has terminated its regime in 726 BC by the invasion of Assyrian Empire.
New Babylonia was established in 625 BC or twenty seven hundred years ago approximately. Chaldeans
or a member of ancient Semitic people that defeated the ancient Sumerian became dominant in New Babylonia.
Therefore, the study of astrology that was originated by the ancient Sumerian has risen in this era. The name
of Babylonia that has been familiar to the most people of nowadays world in the history of astrology has come
from the articles prepared by the Chaldeans in New Babylonia released.