シュメール文明2 SUMERIAN 2  石川源晃著

世界ではじめて春分暦を使用した古代シュメール人は頭が丸く目が大きく背丈が低く 黒髪の茶褐色の肌といいます。ref 約九千年前の整った遺跡がメソポタミア北部 丘陵でチグリス川上流のジャルモで発見されました。文化生活を示すジャルモ遺跡には、整ったパン焼き釜、 飼育された羊の骨、二種類の麦など、古代シュメール人の高い生活水準を示すものが 多数存在します。 この古代シュメール人のジャルモ遺跡から西へ 約1600キロ離れたエレサレムのエリコ遺跡には、約一万年前の戦争の痕跡を残す焼けだだれた二重の城壁の遺跡が発見されていますが、 城壁も掘割もなく戦争の痕跡もない古代シュメール人のジャルモの平和生活の遺跡は印象的です。エデンの 園の伝説は戦乱にあけくれたエレサレムの人々が東方のメソポタミアの古代シュメール人の平和な生活を うらやんで作った物語といわれています。 メソポタミアの地図 Map of Mesopotamia.
The ancient Sumerian that originated the world oldest spring-ingress type calendar was said to have round head with big eyes and short body in black hair and brown skin described.ref High level of the peaceful life of ancient Sumerian in nine thousand years ago or the seventh millenium BC that was scientifically approved was found in Jarmo, the northern hill side of upper liver of Tigris river of Mesopotamia located. The articles excavated are nicely designed baking oven, bones of breed sheep and seeds of plants in two types recorded. Impressive peaceful site of Jarmo that is located one thousand miles east of Jericho of Jerusalem where the heavy damage of war in the burn soils with bulky walls evidenced. Guess on the tale of Eden which was made by the people of Jerusalem in daily conflict of warfare who have adored the peaceful life of ancient Sumerian living in Mesopotamia located in the east of Jerusalem.

古代シュメール人の広範な商業活動を示す中東・西アジア各地から多数出土した円筒印章があります。 彼らは敵の攻撃を避けるために多量の商品を贈りましたが友好の印にシュメール独特の刻印を表面に施した 円筒印章を贈りました。円筒形の印章は粘土板表面で回転させ友好の印にしたのです。古代シュメール 人は有史以前から商売の才能に優れ、約二万年前にメソポタミア北部の丘陵地帯に出現し、後に紀元前七千年頃(約九千年前の蟹座時代refに中部平原へ南下しました。商才が 優れた古代シュメール人は原材料を輸入し加工して輸出していたので食料も輸入しました。シュメール人が夜旅をし昼商売をしたので夜空の星を見て旅行の安全や商売の成功を占う占星学を考えました。 紀元前約八千年(約一万年前)春分点が獅子座refに存在したので、ATT太陽を支配する星座にしました。(従来のアトランチス神話の 否定)
Many cylinder seals found from all over the area of west Asia of the near-east that evidenced wide range activities of commercial business performed by the ancient Sumerian exported. They sent enemy the gifts of present that prevented the military attacks given by enemy refrained. For the peace evidence they sent the cylinder seals of authentic Sumerian. These seals were put on the clay plates to indicate the sign of friendship approved. They were also importing their foods as the ancient Sumerian were talented with the commercial business by importing raw materials, processed and exporting them to the other people in the area exchanged. Ancient Sumerian was talented in commercial of trade business earlier of the era and in around twenty thousand years ago they have lived in the northern area of Mesopotamia and moved down to the south plane area in the age of CANCER. ref As Sumerians traveled at night and had a trade in daytime, they looked at the stars at night and predicted the safety in travel and the profit of business by the astrology invented. They considered the ruler of Sun to be the constellation Leo where we see the Sun at the vernal equinox in BC 8000 or the eighth millenium BC or ten thousand years ago located.(As adversary to the fabled ATLANTIS.) ref

商売を長く続けるために、商品の買い手、売り手、仲介業者の3者の利益バランスを保つことが重要です。ATT この3者の利益配分が崩れると商売は永続しません。商業民族のシュメール人の文明は農業民族や狩猟民族 の文明と大幅に相違するものでした。彼らの信仰は地中海東部地区の他の民族と共通ですが、商業民族と して独自の発達をしました。神話によれば天の神と地の神が互いに争っているので戦争や災害が発生するが 天地の間に存在している空気の神様のエンリルが上手に天地の争いを仲介しているので、人間は平和な 生活ができるといいます。品物を買う人、売る人、仲介する人の3者の利益をうまく配分すれば商売は 成功しますが、この利益がどちらかに偏れば長くは続きません。数万年も前から古代シュメール人が信じて いたエンリルの神話に彼らシュメール人が商売人として大成功をした秘密が隠されています。
It has been a good merchant who handles the profit balance between three parties, or buyer, seller and agent or middleman arranged. No long lasting profit can be expected if profit of three parties is biased. Thus the profit that was agreed between them arranged is no more warranted. There was marvelous difference between the cultures of trade and commercial races of ancient Sumerian from those of the agricultural races and hunting races found. One of the reasons of the prosperity in the business of merchandises gained by the ancient Sumerian would be lurked in the mythology believed by Sumerian some ten thousand years ago. According to the mythology, our world has been suffering the disasters and wars as the conflict between the gods of heaven and earth found. We can be safe peacefully since the god of air, or ENLIL arranged such conflicts as a mediator between the gods of heaven and earth settled. Although such kind of mythology has been believed many people that were living in the eastern area of Mediterranean sea, the mythology of the ancient Sumerian has been developed in particular form that was profitable for their business career established that was entirely different from the traits of life of either agricultural or hunting people accustomed.

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