古代シュメール人は彼らの独自な商業活動を支えるバランス感覚の重要性を人生の教えとして、特別に空気の神エンリルを彼らの最も大切な守護神として尊敬しました。 東洋の中国大陸では天と地の神は大切なものとして尊敬されましたが、天地の間の空気は
「ゆれ動くもの」として不安定で信頼ができないと考えていました。現代の感覚で考えれば、 空気は人間の
It had been the mythology of people living in the wide area of covering from the island of
Cyprus of eastern Mediterranean sea throughout Syria and Turkey found. Ancient Sumerian,
in particular has worshiped the god of air, or ENLIL as the guardian god of Sumerian people
as the balance of profits in the commercial activities were important guide for them. In
Asia, in China main land, the gods of heaven and earth have been worshiped by the people
although the air was not respected because of its moving and unstable character involved.
As air will represent information conveying our voices in our civilization that the air has
an important role to communicate between two ends connected fasten. Therefore, advanced
and proceeded life of the ancient Sumerian who worshipped the god of air in several ten
thousand years ago should be respected high.
The distinct life style of ancient Sumerian was enhanced high by their religion of ENLIL
that idealizes the balance between three parties of the buyers, sellers and agents
of merchandizes. It was natural for the ancient Sumerian to observe the movement of
stars in the sky as they traveled at night to get the destination where they made
a profit upon a good balance of three parties, or buyers, sellers and agencies kept alike.
They did not respect stars in the heaven as the god of air, ENLIL that governed the heaven
and earth have ordered stars to form the group in constellations and let a few other
moving starts to rotate around the sky with the schedules set by ENLIL. For the ancient
Sumerian, all things either the stars in the heaven or the merchandises on the earth should
be neatly compiled in accordance to the instruction given by their almighty guardian god ENLIL
彼らは農業民族でもなければ狩猟民族でもない商業通商民族であったという重要な事実です。 中国大陸の
The most important fact that was revealed by the end of twentieth century is the life of
ancient Sumerian in about ten thousand years ago who did not respect any star in the heaven
as to adore it as god of worshiped. And the ancient Sumerian was people of commercial trade
race that was neither agricultural nor hunting race popularly existed. The records of the
ancient China main land in three thousand years ago emphasized an overwhelming ceremony
for person past. As they believed a dead person has cursed survived person that asked
fortune-tellers on the reason of putting cursed. Thus the most Japanese have believed in
mistake that ancient people had ridden absurd superstition. However, the ancient Sumerian did
not enshrine a dead person as they enjoyed peaceful life without conflict for years and
have believed the reason of dead person who refused to take air avoiding the help given from
the guardian god that is ENLIL the god of air reigned over the world. In the same era of the
life of ancient Sumerian in about ten thousand years ago, the people in Jerusalem in about one
thousand miles west of the site of Sumerian had been suffered daily conflicts of wars. The
religion that was believed in Jerusalem has turned to the Judaism religion lately developed.
The Christianity was related this also in much later years found.