シュメール文明4 SUMERIAN 4  石川源晃著

メソポタミアはギリシャ語で「川の中」と言う言葉です。現在のイラクのチグリス川とユーフラテス川の間 の平野を総称します。今から約七千年前に、古代シュメール人は北部丘陵から南下し農業を営むようになり その後も通商貿易民族として多数の資料を残しています。紀元前3000年(約五千年前)ころのシュメール 貿易の記録がウルrefで出土しましたが、東方海路の三箇所の積み替え港が記してあります。ATT現在の地名でバーレンとオマンとパキスタンです。 インド西部インダス河上流に今から約四千五百年まえの水道や衛生設備が整った文化都市の遺跡が発掘され ました。出土品の研究で、この文化都市はシュメール人のインドの植民地跡であることが判明しました。現在インド 南部に居住する目が大きく頭の丸い黒髪の背が低い民族は古代シュメールの血を引く者といいます。日本の 数千年前の縄文人と体型が良く似ていることは不思議なことです。 右図は紀元前3000年(約五千年前)ころのシュメール王の像です。 日本との関連・Reference to Japanese
MESOPOTAMIA in Greek connotes the land midst of rivers. In the present map, this is the land in Iraq that is surrounded by Tigris and Euphrates rivers located. Sumerian was the people of rich and peaceful life in trade and commercial business from ancient achieved. The Sumerian in the poem was the man of brawn skin, short body, small head, big eyes and black hair looked. They moved from the northern hillside to the midst of rivers for agricultural life in about seven thousand years ago or 5000 BC assumed. Even after migration, many records evidenced their trade activities extended to far countries. Excavated many evidences revealed splendid ability of ancient Sumerian lurked. The record evidenced in the year of third millennium B.C. or five thousand years ago that was excavated from the Sumerian town UR ref has told us that they had piled their commodities for trade with the Orient sea way at three harbor cities, or Gulf of Bahrain, a port in Gulf of Oman and a port in Pakistan located. Ancient site with modern system of sanitary condition in nice water service was found in upper liver of Indus in the western area of India located. Evidences from excavated items indicated that this old city must be a part of colony of ancient Sumerian in forty five hundred years ago estimated. It is widely approved that people in the southern India who are in big eyes, round headed, short body with black hair must be the descendant of ancient Sumerian left. We are in strange sensation that they are quite resemblance with our ancient people of JYO-MON era lived in some several thousand years ago in Japan found prevailed. Above right illustration is a statue of a Sumerian king in 3000 BC or about five thousand years ago.

古代のシュメール人社会に興味を持って友好的態度をとる肌が白く鼻が高いセム人は狩猟民族の出身でしたが シュメール人をだましやすい「お人よし」と考えていました。セム人は星を崇拝していたのでセム人の影響 を受け古代シュメール人も今から五千年前ころから徐々に天体を神として祭るようになりました。セム人は 太陽や月を神として祭りました。しかし、シュメール人は夜に旅をするので太陽は昼だけ働き夜は休む怠け 者であり、月は満ち欠けする不安定で当てにならない天体と考えました。金星(当時の名称はイナンナ神)は時期に より昼間も見えるのでシュメール人には信頼できる天体でした。金星の呼び名も役割も時代によって大きく 変化しましたが、このことは占星学の法則を考える上で非常に重要な問題を提起しています。ATT特にエジプト 人が太陽を崇拝して太陽による死者のよみがえりを信じたのに、古代シュメール人が太陽を尊敬しないで、 金星を尊敬したことは、占星学の法則がどの文明の影響を受けて発達したのかという歴史の内容を検討する 場合に重要な証拠になるのです。 金星の多様性・Versatility of planet VENUS
The Semite or the descendant of hunting people was friendly to the ancient Sumerian in an easy victim of nice targeted. As the Semite people adored stars in the heaven, the Sumerian with the influence of Semite came to adore a star by five thousand years ago recorded. Although the Sun and Moon have been worshiped by the Semite, however, the Sun for the Sumerian works only daytime and have a rest at night as a sloth and lazy fellow since the Sumerian traveled at night and worked at daytime for their commerce traded. The Moon is changeable and unstable that both luminaries were not important for the life of Sumerian who have respected Venus or INANNA as it could see in day and night in a certain season observed. As the name and roles of the planet Venus have changed widely in accordance with the era changed, these characters of Venus have placed very important fact in studying the laws of astrology that was influenced given from the civilization of particular race evidenced. For instance, the people of Egypt have believed the reincarnation of dead soul recovered through the help of the Sun. On the contrary, the ancient Sumerian did not respect the power of the Sun as it was a sloth of lazy fellow. This has given a good marking for evidencing the origin of the law of astrology in the history lurked.

セム人と同属で地中海沿岸に住む人々は後にユダヤ人になり、メソポタミのセム人の他の一部の人々はバビロニア 時代にカルデア人になり、さらに他の一部のセム人が後世になり、アラブ人になりました。ref シュメール人が歴史の 表舞台から消滅した後もセム人の系統の人々は現在の世界に多数存在しているのです。
People of another group of Semite races in the sea shore of Mediterranean had become Jewish people and still another group of Semites had become Chaldeans in Babylonia. Further another group of Semites had become Arabian people. ref After the disappearance of Sumerians from the main stage of human history, the people from Semites are still active in the nowadays world.


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