シュメール文明1 Sumerian 1 石川源晃著

人類文明がどこで始まったか不明な部分が多いのです。 人間生活に必要な暦についても多くの研究があります。月の満ち欠け を基準にした暦は作物の生長を知るために役立つので、農作物を育て る民族のほかに草木を食べる動物の行動に注目する狩猟民族も月の満 ち欠けの暦を使用しました。冬に日が短くなる冬至の日を基準に徐々 に日が長くなる春を望む精神的期待感をこめた冬至暦を現在の我々も 使用しています。実際に最も短い日の観測が困難なので西暦1582年に 現在のグレゴリー暦が制定されるまでは冬至の日の祭りは2週間連続 して、その中のどれかの日が本当の冬至でした。このような精神論よりも商売の利益 を大切に考えた商業民族の古代シュメール人はメソポタミアの北緯30度前後で は春分の昼夜の長さが一致するので昼夜の長さを正確に測り一年の 初めにする春分暦を使用しました。ATT 約一万年前に中近東・西アジアの メソポタミアで栄えた古代シュメール人は夜に旅をし昼に商売をし、夜空の星を観測し旅行の道案内にしました。彼らは商売の成功 や失敗や盗賊の災害発生の有無を予測する手段として天体を利用しま した。古代シュメール人は木星が12年で天空を一周することを知り、 商品12個を一まとめにして1ダースにして整理しました。一年に13回の 新月があるのに一年を12か月にするのも、午前午後を12時間とした のも、太陽の通り道(黄道・こうどう)に16個の星座が存在するのに 12星座だけを使用するのも,古代シュメール人の風習に従ったものです。 空の星をつなぎ人間の考えかたを整理して星の絵文字の星座を考え出 したシュメール人は約五千年前に人類初めての 絵文字を考え粘土板に記録し,後に楔形文字(くさびかたもじ) に発達しました。 シュメール人の知能の高さを表現するものとして、右図の女性 を示す絵文字と山脈を示す絵文字を合併して女奴隷という絵文字を合成したことが注目されます。その当時は 北方の山岳地帯から出稼ぎの異民族の女性がシュメール社会の奴隷になったのですが、二つの独立した意味の 絵文字を組み合わせて、新しい内容の文字を創出したことは古代シュメール人が論理的で知能の高い民族である ことを証明しています。後世のエジプト人がロゼッタ・ストーンに刻んだ古代シュメール人への悪口はシュメール人 の知能の高さに対するエジプト人の妬みなのでしょう。ref
We do not really know the origin of human civilization. There are various studies on the place and the time of origin advocated. But we only expect the time in several ten thousand years ago at some of the place not so far from the shores of Mediterranean sea located. For the calendars based on the waxing and waning of the Moon, we have a record of the agricultural people that are useful to know the growth of plants and crops timed. These types of calendars are not only familiar to many agricultural people but also to the hunting people, who are sensitive to the moving of animals that seek around foods made of plants and crops grown. Such calendars based on the appearance of the Moon are used by people who are longing for coming spring season that mentally satisfied by longing for daylight starting from the day of winter-ingress that is the shortest daylight of year. Only exception in the system of calendars is the spring-ingress type that was originated by the ancient Sumerian people. It has been difficult for the people to find the exact day of longest night or the day of winter solstice observed. Until the time nowadays Gregorian Calendar that was established in 1582, the days of festival to celebrate the winter solstice in Rome were set in the long period of two weeks including the assumed date of winter solstice observed. In much materialism with less spiritualism, the ancient Sumerian have selected the day of spring ingress for the first day of the year as they could find the day exact in the land of Mesopotamia that the Northern Latitude was justify the balance of time in day and night observed in exact. They traveled at night and have dealt with trade business in the daytime participated. They observed stars in the heaven and learnt the proper direction of travel scheduled. They have predicted possible profits and losses in business as well as to foreshow an accident incurred by a thief in travel encountered. During the observation of stars, they found planet Jupiter travels the whole sky by twelve years approximately that they set the unit of one dozen to compile the commodities in trade business. In nowadays tradition in the world, we use twelve months for one year that contains thirteen times of new Moon, we use twelve hours in the morning and twelve hours in the evening and also we use twelve zodiacs out of sixteen sets of constellation along the ecliptic or the route of the Sun found; these conventions are all specified for the memory of tradition in the ancient Sumerian life accustomed. As they invented the pictographs in about five thousand years ago by taking the similar idea from the system to illustrate the constellation in the sky by connecting stars compiled, they have developed letters in CUNEIFORMS engraved on the surface of clay plates. In despite of the ill description against ancient Sumerian that was engraved on the Rosetta Stone ref of Egypt, the human oldest pictographs of Sumerians invented indicated the evidence on high culture life of Sumerians found. You will see a pictograph of woman-slave or bond-woman that was combined two simple word woman and mountain. As women from the northern mountain side have been held in servitude to the Sumerian society, thus the combined word was invented.

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