The astrology in India is called HINDU astrology.
We see historical site of the ancient SUMERIAN
colony along the river of Indus in the western India established.
The people of nowadays southern India are
the descendant of the ancient Sumerian blooded. Nowadays HINDU astrology has been developed on the
basis of the ancient Grecian astrology that was introduced by the troops of the Alexandros that had invaded
Northern India in BC 330 governed.
HINDU astrology or the Indian astrology was originated with the similar concept that has connoted in the western
astrology at the commencement involved.
It has, however, went on a different phase of development as the Eastern
traditional practical trend that is greatly indifferent from the western logical rationalism in the human life encountered.
Historical trade mark at the shop of fortune teller will be kept unchanged but the served content at a customer was altered.
Thus the wide rage of daily requirement of customers can be satisfactorily answered by a few talented fortune tellers.
We see many astrological books authored by the researchers in either the great Britain or the United States of America.
They have described their new trials specific their own. Contrary to those books, many books written by Indian researchers
have advocated their orthodox standpoints that should be a true successor came from the approved school in the heir ship authorized.
Thus in more or less they have preferred the brand name of the arts studied. Such would be one of general tendency in
the researchers of astrology came from the oriental countries except few.
As the result of an Oriental feudalistic idea insisting much more on the principle than the real history, the most of astrologers
in India have denied any influences given from either Greece or Babylonia on the astrology of India that should be the true
successor of the prideful history of India in five thousand years tradition continued. Their strict attitude would be also found
in the fortune tellers in China main land although the development of archaeological studies will reveal the true history
of own country experienced. The system of nowadays astrology in India has referred a few sky bodies including the Moon.
LUNAR MANSIONS disregarding western twelve-sign system will be the main feature of astrology in India. We see
the most of explanation in the prediction made by astrology of India has been prepared on the hypothetical bodies.
These styles are also found in the Chinese arts of fortune tellers of historical affinity of both countries.
Thus we see the
mixed characters in the astrology of India that are combined both of Western and Eastern systems.