はじめに 11  PREFACE 11 ・ 石川源晃著

牡羊座時代は2320 BCから134 BCまで存在しましたが、その間に北部インドのシャカ族の皇太子ゴータマ シダルタが仏教を広めました。釈尊が最初に唱えた原始仏教は見えない奇跡を信じないで、この世の存在を 目で見たままに知るという教えです。牡羊座に相当するサイン「おひつじ」の特徴は人の目につく部分に ありますから原始仏教は牡羊座時代を象徴する宗教です。
The era of Aries was from 2320 BC through 134 BC when the crown prince GOTAMA SIDDHARTA of SAKA tribe disseminated religion of BUDDHISM. The theses of original religion restricted to believe unseen miracles but just look at as your eyes recognized reality. As traits of constellation ARIES with reference to sign ARIES will be the places to be attractive to human eyes that BUDDHISM will be the proper religion in the era of ARIES.

牡牛座時代は4480 BC から2320 BCまでです。この時代には、バビロニアでバビルの塔の建設やエジプト で巨大なピラミッドの建設が行われた大建築時代でした。牡牛座に相当するサイン「おうし」の特徴は安定 した基礎の建設ですから、大建築時代は牡牛座時代を象徴する事業です。
The era of Taurus was from 4480 BC through 2320 BC when the construction of Babel of Babylonia and Pyramids of Egypt were constructed. As the traits of constellation TAURUS with reference to the sign TAURUS will be the establishment of firm base of construction in general that the construction of huge monuments would be the governmental projects in the era of TAURUS.

考古学の研究が未完成なために古い記録は不備ですが、伝説によれば、古代シュメール人が原始的な記録を 残した時代は双子座時代の6640 BCから4480 BCの間であり、古代シュメール人が北部の丘陵から南部の水の 豊かな平原に移動したのは8800 BC から6640 BCの間の蟹座時代であるとすれば、双子座時代の文筆関連と 蟹座時代の水の関連が理解できます。古代シュメール人が夜に旅行し星の導きで商売を成功させたのが 約一万年前の時代であるとすれば、獅子座時代(約一万年まえ)に春分点が獅子座に存在したときに占星学が 始まり、それを記念して太陽の支配サインを「しし」に定めたのでしょう。ref
At present, research on archaeology is still behind that we can only guess super ancient era. According to tales, it was the age of GEMINI, or 6640 BC through 4480 BC that ancient Sumerian wrote a primitive form of pictographs and it was the age of CANCER, or 8800 BC through 6640 BC that ancient Sumerian moved down the river from northern hillside acquired the wet rich field of southern plain land of agriculture participated. And further, if ancient Sumerian traveled at night guided by stars in the heaven and acquired successful commercial business in the age of LEO or ten thousand years ago approximately then the present rule of astrology that defined ruler of the Sun to be sign LEO could be set for the memory of ancient because of the fact that the Sun was in LEO in new year of ancient that the spring ingress was in LEO observed. ref

射手 図は約七千年前に栄えた古代アッシリアの道標(みちしるべ)の一部です。 「占星学の起源」リンゼイ著・フレデリック・ミューラー社出版の画面から 許可を得て転載しました。リンゼイは古代アッシリアの遺跡から発見された 複数の動物が組み合った想像上の生物の画をエジプトのデンデラ壁画と比較 しています。古代アッシリアの射手座に「さそり」が小さく描いてありますが デンデラの画はさそり座を独立星座として描いています。紀元前409年の バビロニアのホロスコープに天秤座は存在しないで、さそり座が巨大化し、 さそりのつめ座ref の記載があります。ギリシャのヒッパルコス時代 の紀元前150年ころに牡羊座天秤座が設定されたものと考えられます。なお、その後の研究の結果 エジプトのデンデラの壁画は紀元後の新しいものと判明しました。
The illustration in the right is the partial view of Archer Illustration is given by courtesy on Assyrian boundary-stone that is taken from the ORIGINS of Frederic Muller Ltd., Fleet St., OF ASTROLOGY by Jack Lindsay released. He has studied many London, E.C.4 copyright (c) 1971 sets of illustration on the imaginary combined animals in by Jack Lindsay comparison to the similar sets of view that are placed on the wall printings found in the Temple of Dendera Egypt. The Scorpio is indicated in a small scale with subsidiary to the constellation Sagittarius in the illustration found on the boundary-stone of ancient Assyria that country was in rich in the era of seven thousand years ago approximately found. In the era of Babylonia or about three thousand years ago, people see the scale of Scorpio set larger than they settled before. In the description of Horoscope of 409 B.C., there was the extension of original Scorpio that was called the HORN OF SCORPIO that was altered to the constellation Libra afterward set. In the ages of Hipparchus of Greek, the people recognized the constellation of Libra as well as the constellation of Aries in twelve sets of zodiacs in the heaven imaginary settled. The wall print of Dendera Egypt is now studied in detail and it is evidenced that the pictures indicate the view of sky after the Christ was born.

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