はじめに 10  PREFACE 10 ・ 石川源晃著

星座は大きさにより星座の間隔が開いたり星座同士が重なったりして不便です。論理的な考えのギリシャ のヒッパルコスは約二千年前の紀元前134年に(研究者により異なる年を主張する)天空を同じ大きさの 十二個のサインに等分して三十度ごとに分けたサインの度数で天体の位置を表現しました。しかし、 魚座時代とか水瓶座時代という考え方は最近の数百年間の心理学研究者による観念論ですから、サインと 星座の自然科学的なヒッパルコスの議論とは異なるものです。参考・はじめに3
As the scale of constellation being either large or small, some set of constellation may be set either overlapped or separated at the border of constellation. It was inconvenient for the study by HIPPARCUS of Greek that he indicated the place of heavenly body in degrees and signs that were specified by him as to divide whole sky in twelve signs each thirty degrees in the same span located. It was said in 134 BC when he specified this law of twelve set of signs, however, different year might be advocated by other researchers. Since the stories of the age of Pisces and the age of Aquarius are the idealism of psychologists of recent few hundred years that we are not in the position to discuss such matters in the logical view of HIPPARCUS for natural science in the relationship on signs and constellations specified. REF Pre3

水瓶座時代という言葉が新しい時代の幕開きをあらわす言葉になったのは人々が現代文明に疑いを持つよう になった19世紀以降のことです。末世(まっせい)というのは、この世の終わりですが、その時に神への 信仰が強固な人間だけが天国に無事に逃げることができるという考え方です。有名なノアの箱舟の神話も 神に選ばれた少数の人や動物だけが助かるという数千年前にできた神話ですが、この世の終わり・末世 という考えは紀元前から存在して、すでに数千年は継続したことになります。なお、この世の終わりについては水瓶座の研究のページの中でも詳細に説明をします。
It was after the years of ninety century that the people has come to expect the opening of new era of the Aquarian Age with their suspicious on the development of modern civilization aroused. At the year of ESCHATOLOGY or the year of corrupt world, human in the earnest religion will live in the heaven that escaped from this world by the help of god. The famous myth of Noah’s ark in the Flood that helped the selected people and animals, was described in some several thousand years ago. Therefore, the said year of end of world has been told by the people in many occasions since such time of Noah’s Flood. Further explanation on ESCHATOLOGY will be given in the pages of RESEARCH on AQUALIAN AGE.

悩む人間が存在するから精神的に救う人間が存在するのです。現在の状況に不満を持つことは将来の発展を 促すことになるのですから、前向きな努力は将来を明るいものにすることでしょう。しかし、水瓶座時代 に対する西欧の人々のあこがれのなかに、宗教的な問題が存在しているので複雑になるのです。(後述)
Serious salvation in the religious aid will be helpful for the people in distress. Progress for the future development will be useful to open the brighter future of human life. Such was often recognized by suffering from the discontent on the status quo that was difficult to solve sufficiently found. Besides the usual cases, it might be in a little bit mess on the sensation of the people in the western countries for the adoration of the word of Aquarian Age with the connotation based on the religious and theological problems involved.

星座の大きさはまちまちで、牡羊座は小さいのに、魚座は大きいのです。また水瓶座魚座山羊座と重 なっていますので水瓶座の影響が及ぶ範囲を正確に規定できません。天空の360度を無理に星座で分け れば、牡羊座は24度、魚座は38度、水瓶座は25度になりますが重複部を考えれば魚座は40度です。 「はじめに8」の図は西暦2000年春分時期の魚座水瓶座の星座を描いたものです。ref 二つの星座の重なりは約10度ですから、春分点が水瓶座に侵入し水瓶座時代になるのは西暦2152年ころ ですが、魚座を完全に離れるのは西暦2700年ころです。では、なぜ、魚座この世の終わり・末世に関係する のでしょうか? 奇跡を信じるキリスト教と魚座を関連させる人々がいるからです。
Scale of constellation is set uneven through whole sky. The span of Aries is small but Pisces is large. As the span of constellation Aquarius is set overlapped with both Pisces and Capricorn that effective range of Aquarius cannot be defined strictly. When one may divide whole three hundred sixty degree sky into twelve set of constellation then you may find twenty four degrees for Aries, thirty eight for Pisces and twenty five for Aquarius divided. Illustration in previous page will indicate the brief places of Pisces and Aquarius at the moment of spring ingress in 2000 AD calculated. There is ten degrees overlap in two set of constellation. Therefore, point of spring ingress will enter to Aquarius for era of Aquarius in about 2152 AD while point of spring ingress will leave from Pisces in about 2700 AD respectfully found. ref Then, why is it the end of world ? There are such people who believe the Pisces for the symbol of Christianity.

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