アディー調波2 ・ HARMONICS of ADDEY 2
Modern astrology of the western style will study the chart briefly in the sign distribution formed among major
moving bodies or the planets studied. The pattern for acting behavior in CFM will be indicated by the cardinal,
fixed and mutable signs briefly calculated. The pattern for emotional behavior in FEAW will be indicated by
the fire, earthy, airy and watery signs briefly calculated. For the benefit of comparison in the ratio of figures,
either the CFM or the FEAW will be studied with ten major moving bodies in the astrology or Sun, Moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto accumulated. The most practitioners will prefer the study
on the FEAW ratio for the counseling business performed. While the most researchers of astrology will prefer the
study on the CFM ratio for the serious survey developed.
The research trend in the harmonics in astrology by Addey also prefers the use of CFM comparison. Addey
has particularly studied the behavior pattern of CFM in the degrees appeared near zero degree of each sign.
This connotes the study of degrees in 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 degrees of each sign
in the construction of the charts calculated in the harmonics of Addey. For instance of the fifth harmonics of
Addey that will indicate the target of effort in the aptitude of human life as indicated in the list of the previous
page, a person having his major planets concentrated its distribution found near zero degree of mutable signs
or M5 will be suitable for working in the research of astrology performed. While a person having his major planets
concentrated its distribution found near zero degree of cardinal signs or C5 will be suitable for working in the counsel
business of astrology performed.
According to John M. Addey, a cross indication appeared on the charts of harmonics in astrology of Addey will
be preferable for the specific life of human selected. In against this opinion, others have recommended the use
of trine aspects in the application of harmonic of Addey that recommended the use of FEAW of emotional pattern
in the harmonics of Addey explored. As Addey died already, we can not ask his further opinion, however, the trine
aspect will be the prime importance in the application of Ishikawa’s Divisional Harmonics that is one of the successive
art of the second harmonics of Addey explored. We must keep the original idea of John M. Addey in his harmonics
analysis and should not employ FEAW in his established system.
As Addey has described, a person in responsible position must overcome a hard life
that would be indicated by either the square aspect or the opposition aspect indicated in the chart of astrology. For instance,
the planet in zero degree of any signs in the fifth harmonics of Addey will be the planet in the birth chart in either 0,
6, 12, 18 or 24 degrees found. Therefore, these planets could become either square or opposition of hard aspect in astrology.
Thus the responsible person must be prepared to meet a difficulty in the specified field of life that would be indicated by the
harmonics of Addey in astrological delineation examined. Any sport man who finds a joyful life in moving the body in a sport
that is connoted in the indication of the third harmonics of Addey should overcome a hard training before getting a successful
result in the game.