アディー調波1 ・ HARMONICS of ADDEY 1

アディー全般は次をクリック・For Addey in general please click followingアディー・ADDEY

占星学に調波(ハーモニックス)の考え方を導入したのは、歴史的にはインドの占星学が最初です。インド占星学は ヒンヅー占星学として有名ですが、十二サインの九倍の百八個の区分( 3度20分)で計算するナバムサが 人物の最終成功度を表示するものとして主要な判断を提供するといいます。ref
Historically, the art of harmonics in astrology was introduced by Indian people. We call it under the name of HINDU astrology that was said to be originated in the ancient but the exact year is unknown. The major process in the HINDU astrology to prepare the NAVAMUSA birth chart with 108 sections which are nine times of twelve or three degrees and twenty minutes for each section divided. The NAVAMUSA is said to indicate the final achieved life of a person. ref

アディー調波ヒンヅー占星学のナバムサからヒントを受けて、出生データーに1から始まる正の整数(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9など) を掛け合わせて作成した個別のチャートを解析したものです。
Taking a hint from the HINDU astrology, John M. Addey of England invented new system of harmonics in astrology. He analyzed a chart produced by multiplying the integer of plus sign to the natal places of planets. Thus the chart multiplied by one is the natal chart, by two is the second harmonic chart and by three is the third harmonic chart and so forth. The specific study will be made for specific harmonic chart respectively.

アディー調波はインドのヒンヅー占星学からヒントを得たのですが、アディーは西欧占星学に基本的な 春分点移動のトロピカル方式を採用し、ヒンヅー占星学の春分点固定のサイデリアル方式を使用していません。 また、アディーは西欧の占星学が開発した多数の方式を利用していますが、ヒンヅー占星学の擬似天体 などの方式を採用していません。この点で、アディー調波の独自性を人々は理解をしなければなりません。
Although Addey has taken a hint from the HINDU astrology of India, Addey does not refer any practical system of India which is based on the Sidereal system of the fixed equinox calendars with hypothetical planets employed. Instead, Addey has referred to the Tropical system of moving equinox ephemeris of standard type calendars. And Addey does not employ any hypothetical planets of the Hindu astrology. In this regard, we should not refer simply his mew original system has taken a sample from the HINDU system.

The following list indicates the character of Addey’s harmonics with reference to the integer number that will be multiplied to the natal places of planets in 360 degrees notation calculated. As Addey has abandoned the research on the secon harmonic, Ishikawa has developed it in his Divisional Harmonics. ref

数字1・First harmonic 出生図・ natal position  出生時の表示・natal indication
数字2・Second harmonic (放棄・He abandoned) 分割調波に継承・Ishikawa's works
数字3・Third harmonic 生きがい・joy of life 運動選手など・sports and else
数字4・Fourth harmonic 困難・obstacle 科学者など・scientists and else
数字5・Fifth harmonic 努力・target of effort 適性目標・aptitude of life
数字6・Sixth harmonic リズム・rhythms 律動・rhythmical moves
数字7・7th harmonic 陶酔・ecstasy 人生の成功・immediate success
数字8・8th harmonic 環境・environment 適応性・adaptability
数字9・9th harmonic 終局・final life 最終地位・highest rank

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