アディーの研究 ・ ADDEY's NOTE
Addey's works are listed bellow.

英国人アディーは占星学の論理的な研究者として有名です。最初は精神的な研究が優先しましたが、1960年 ころから次第に自然科学的な手段を使用して長年解明することができなかった占星学の仕組みを研究するよ うになりました。1982年の62歳のとき肺炎で急逝しました。アディーの経歴は石川源晃著・調波・占星学 入門・平河出版社刊・16ページを参照してください。英国占星学協会(AA)の機関誌1982年夏号に筆者の アディーへの弔辞が掲載されています。
John M. Addey (1920-1982) is the world wide famous researcher of the system of astrology. Although he has commenced his study in the connotation of spiritual field of research, however, he has aimed his target with the aid of scientific method after 1960s to the basic construction of the art of astrology that has been lurked behind the scene for long. He has past out in 1982 on his age of 62 in the acute pneumonia suffered. For the details of his life, please see CYOUHA・SENSEIGAKU・NYUUMON, by H. M. Gen ISHIKAWA in HIRAWAKA・SYUPPANSYA released. Memorial note to Addey by this author was published in 1982 Summer edition of The Astrological Association (England).

アディーの功績としてはアディー調波が有名です。人々は占い技術にばかり注目をしますが、アディーの 功績はむしろ直接の占い技術でなくて、占星学の基本的な仕組みを解明するという地道な努力にあったの でした。アディーの研究の材料はフランス人ゴークランの約5万人の出生資料でした。ゴークランは 心理学者ですが占星学に疑問を持ち占星学が誤りだという証明をしようと考えヨーロッパ各地の登記所を 巡り出生記録を調べました。成人後の職業と成功・不成功が判明している人物約5万人をゴークラン資料 として1955年以降に順次公表しました。refアディーはゴークランが公平に収集した資料を使用したのです。 ゴークランは占星学が間違っているということを証明しようとして資料を集めましたが、その後占星学が 正しいことを知って反省の言葉を述べています。
Harmonics in Astrology is the famous title of his work. People are interested in his art of prediction. Instead, the most wonderful contribution of Addey should be the exploration of basic construction of the art of astrology that must be in an honest way of progress that only a few students have devoted the works concealed. Addey analyzed the marvelous birth data of fifty thousand people or more that were compiled by Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991) of France released. Gauquelin was a psychologist and he was in a serious doubt on the reliability of the art of astrology. He was in mind to certify his belief on the unreliability of astrology and has visited the registry offices in Europe to compile the records of birth of person as well as the acceptability of the society either in successful career or not that was achieved. Gauquelin has released his works in sequence after 1955. Addey was lucky enough to use the Gauquelin notes that were described without having any prejudice of fanatic belief on the astrology destined.ref It was because Gauquelin was in a suspicious on the art of astrology in his works of compilation performed. Gauquelin afterward has changed his mind and he was shameful on his hastiness in his youth that he has once placed a serious doubt on the reliability of astrology lurked.

長い占星学の歴史の中で多くの研究者は占星学を信じている人々ですから、収集する資料も占いが的中した ことを宣伝するために占い営業に有利な材料で有名人として宣伝価値の多い資料を集めて研究してきました。 これに対して、ゴークランは占星学を否定しようとして有名でない一般人の資料を集めました。そして、 生まれ時刻が正確に記録されていて、しかも成人後に社会でどのような評価を得た人物であるかを正確に 記録した一般人の資料を5万人以上集めたのですから、偏りがない公平な資料ということができます。
During the long lasting years, the most researchers of astrology have come from the people that believe the art without doubt. Therefore, their examples are selected to make profit for their propaganda campaign of astrology demonstrated. Gauquelin, on the other hand, had intended to deny the function of astrology and has selected data on the people of ordinary life that are enjoying the conventional daily life at the town found. The data of Gauquelin in the number of fifty thousand or more are compiled from the ordinary persons of exact birth moment are registered and their social accessibilities after growth are also studied. Thus, the data will be most fair and unbiased information without any intention of propaganda involved.

ATT天体の特徴の研究・ Addeys's Planets4ページ完了
少量サンプルの研究・ Small Samples・PREFACE 11
アディー調波・Harmonics of Addey8ページ完了

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