アディー天体4 ・ ADDEY's PLANET 4
自然科学の場合は例外として残された部分の研究から新しい法則が発見されるのですが、人文科学の場合は 例外部分をそり落とし、例外でない部分のみを強調する傾向があります。哲学も心理学も経済学も標準的で 普遍的なものを大切にしますが例外の部分を深く研究しようとはしません。政治や法律でも、基本的な原理 を大切にするのですが、基本的な原理から外れたものは社会秩序を破壊する恐れがあるので、なるべく無視 をしようとします。
Exceptional cases in the experiments of natural science have been the treasure box to produce a new born theory skulked. In the culture of humanities studies, however, the general theory of universal truth has been studied but the exceptional cases were excluded in the orthodox study. Either the philosophers or psychologists or economists study only on the general and universal items and seldom on the exceptional cases that are classified out of the theory. In the field of either politics or legal activities, the people are interested in the universal law too much that they are apt to neglect the exceptional cases that might against the general welfare established in the long history experienced.

1765年にジェームス・ワット(1736-1819)が蒸気機関を発明したときに、イギリスの大衆は自分の馬は どのような狭い所にでも入って働くが蒸気機関は狭い場所では役に立たないといってワットの発明を無視 しようとしました。馬が暴れても被害は小さいのですが、蒸気機関が爆発すれば多くの人が傷つきます。 保守的な人々も蒸気機関の利用を始めたのは、ワットの発明から50年近くも経過した後に、アメリカ人の フルトンが1807年に蒸気船を発明して従来は奴隷のこぎ手の人力に頼っていた海運を機械の力に頼るよう になって以降のことです。
James Watt (1736-1819) invented the steam engine in 1765 but the people in the Great Britain were conservative to protest his engine that was too much bulky to enter a narrow street where a horse could get in freely. An accident aroused by the trouble of explosion of engine would harm many people but the reckless run by a horse could escape the damage few. It takes almost fifty years before the people have accepted the steam engine that was employed in a ship invented by Robert Fulton (1765-1865) in 1807 in the United States of America demonstrated. After this invention many slaves of oarsmen are freed from the ship.

自然科学の研究は多数の失敗の上に築かれるのですが人文科学の研究の失敗は人類文明の破壊になるので、 簡単に出来ません。天体と人間の係わり合いを研究する占星学が古代ギリシャ時代に分かれ天文学が 独立しました。天文学が自然科学の研究として例外を大切にし、多くの失敗の上に学問を 発展させてきたのですが、残された占星学は自然科学としての研究態度を捨てて、人文科学としての哲学や 心理学の研究方法を採用したために、実験による例外を大切にしないで、普遍的で安全な手段に固執したの でした。オカルトなどという言葉の上での夢を追い求めたのですが内容は心理学者の普遍的で ごまかしの手段から一歩も進歩しませんでした。
The experiments in the study of natural science are developed on the wise solution of the problems found in the exceptional cases out of many trials. On the other hand, it is difficult to make failures in the study of culture science or humanities experiments that might destroy the human civilization from the depth corrupted. In ancient Grecian era, the astronomy was introduced that was one of new branch of astrology. As the study of astronomy was performed in one of the study of natural science, the students of astronomy researches new items that were found in the piles of failures of study left in the exceptional cases in the previous studies made. As the study on astrology that was left outside the natural science was performed by the students of culture science or humanities experiments of either psychologists or philosophers that they excluded the exceptional cases found in the experiments but only to develop the systems with general and universal items involved. Although they preferred words OCCULTISMS that pretended the study with wider vision of future developments, their ways of actual study were limited in the narrow view of psychologists that insisted on the general and universal laws without allowing the exceptional cases in the experiments that was involved. Thus their studies in astrology could not overcome the way to delude the innocent public with the words of some of psychologists in general and universal dreams emphasized.

英国人アディー(1920-1982)の研究は従来の占星学が超えることが出来なかった壁を打ち破るものとして 注目を浴びたのですが、あまりにも早い彼の死による衝撃から世界の占星学研究者は抜け出せないのです。
As the study of John M. Addey (1920-1982) of England was so exciting and marvelous for the most researchers of astrology that could not across the heavy border of wall that confined tightly the study of astrology for years long, his sudden death has given a shock to the most students of the world so seriously affected.

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