歴史的には、星座占いという方法は今から約三千年前のメソポタミアのバビロニアに存在しました。しかし、星座の大小の大きさが一定していないので、12星座から16星座の多くの種類の方式が存在して混乱しました。論理的な古代ギリシャ人は全部の天空 360度
Due to the specific features in the Japanese connotations, combined with the lack of some
logicality in the translation from the western literatures of astrological works into Japanese
language, the present popular arts of so called astrology in Japan that might be called as the
fortune telling art in the CONSTELLATIONAL arrangement would be developed into
a strange feature that will be something different from either the serious astrology of western
countries or so called the lucky stars of popular magazines in the US.
Historically, the arts of astrology with the CONSTELLATIONAL arrangement had been
developed in Mesopotamia in the Babylonian age that was said in about 1830 BC or four
thousand years ago studied. Their arts were something in confusion as they advocated the
number of related constellation from twelve through sixteen units in definitely specified.
This was due to the different size of scale for each unit that was not settled definitely. The logical
people in the ancient Greek defined twelve units of section with each unit in thirty degrees
of fixed span specified. They have put the name of Zodiac signs with the names taken from
the Babylonian arts of constellational arrangement released. Nowadays people in the western
countries in general commonsense to specify the name of each one of twelve sets of units in such as
either the sign Aries of a zodiac sign, or the sign Taurus of a zodiac sign or the sign Gemini in
a zodiac sign connoted. Thus no one in the western countries will tell the name of section with
direct definition given by the constellation has specified. Contrary to this fact, some one in the
year of 1950s in Japan has translated the zodiac sign into the definite word of constellation of stars
in Japanese notation in mistake defined. Therefore, the most people who learn the western style astrology in
Japan are lost the elementary recognition in the difference of the zodiac sign from the constellation
of stars basically defined.
たとえば地球中心で、太陽の位置を天文暦で見れば簡単に判明するように、毎月の 1日の誕生日の場合は、
約10度(夏は約 8度)ですが、毎月の20日ころには、次のサインの零度になります。
Although we must admit the lucky stars of popular magazines in a kind of arts of astrology, or some people may call it the Sun-sign astrology, however,
the lucky stars are not evaluated high by the students that are studying the serious type of western
type of astrology developed. The astrology without asking the birth time and birth place besides
the data of day, month and year could not be the western type of astrology. Thus the lucky stars on
birth day will be a kind of ill art that will deceive the innocent public. Any one will be easy to learn
the place of the Sun in the ephemeris released. The Sun is in around tenth degrees of a certain sign on
the first day of any month although it will come in about eight degrees in the sumer season found.
On the most day of twentieth through twenty first in any month, the Sun will change its sign to
the next zodiac sign located. Thus the prospect given by the art of lucky stars will change widely in
accordance with the opinion of a practitioner in charge who will put the date of his study on what date
of Sun can be referred. For this, the opinion of the editor of a magazine is a sober in awareness as
this must be a kind of amusement of a reader and no serious story can be involved. For your information, there are two kinds of astrology studied. One is the geocentric astrology or the conventional type astrology. Another is the heliocentric astrology studied. We find many difficulties in the later type
astrology as the transmitted duration time of occurred phenomena on the surface of the Sun to the earth will not be fixed but it will be distributed from eight minutes through several days observed.