太陽が存在する星座は夜には見えません。夜空には太陽の反対側の星座が見えているのです。 星座の
Readers of astrological books will be interested in the astronomical observation in general. Due to the
misunderstanding on the constellational location of stars that is indifferent from the zodiac sign, some one
in Japan may be confused in reading the sky map published for each month night sky released. As the
Sun will appear only in the daytime, the constellation in the night time will be a series of sky that is opposite
to the Sun located. This fact was the common sense among the people of Mesopotamia probably it was already
recognized by the ancient Sumerian of some ten thousand years ago at which time they have observed the planet
Jupiter to visit each one of twelve sets of constellation for each year elapsed. And they invented the unit of one
dozen to compile twelve pieces of merchandises in one lot assembled. Babylonians in Mesopotamia in three thousand
years ago have studied the changing speed of the Sun in the sky by observing the stars in the night sky that
were located in opposition to the Sun existed. Babylonians are the ancestor of nowadays people of Iraqi.
According to the Recent Advances in the Natal Astrology prepared under the aegis of The Astrological
Association AA in England in 1977, which is comprised in total 598 pages, the sign Aries is the most
significant character with many students have evaluated with a single word defined. The next to Aries
the Taurus sine has followed with the common words defined. The wider words in the definition of other
signs have indicated a personal aptitude for each researcher worked.
The world oldest novel story GENJI-MONOGATARI by MURASAKI-SHIKIBU in Japan was described in
1000 AD. Before this, there were many poems found in the world wide, however, the fiction story of novel
was never described but she has written it in Japanese of most emotional language of the world. On the contrary,
Japanese language will be too much emotional for the logical description. For instance, the legal terms in Japanese
will be unclear and confusing found. The legal specialists may sometimes ask for the cases of antecedent and
they will fix the definition of a word after asking the opinion of the Supreme Court. Instead of such cases, the
description in the laws of the United States of America has been well accepted by the public as these are easy
to read as popular word of conventional private letters described.
Difficulties in the translation of one language to another will be the fact that there could be no identical term
between two languages but the human emotional acceptance may tell the similar connotation involved.
This does not mean the translation could convey the logical connotation to the others. As the description made
by a person engaged in the emotional expression will be well accepted by the public, the most works made by
such person will be found in the market. Thus the problems come from the lack of logicality in the translated
works will become the major problems in astrological works in Japan.
以下は日本の占星学へ・To be continued to Astrology in Japan
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