日本の占星学2・ Astrology in Japan 2
As the historical facts have indicated the records of observation of sky bodies in those days could not be
be referred from two reasons. One was the insufficient accuracy in the arts of observation of sky and next
was the error in the faulty edited calendars published either in China or in Japan that were published in
the seventh century through the seventeenth century released. Thus we can not find the proper places of
sky bodies suggested in either the SHOKU-GUNSHO-RUIJYUU of the oldest horoscope in Japan of the twelveth century that is illustrated in this page given from Imperial Household
Agency or in the SUKUYOU-GOUNROKU of the next page given from ARIYASU ROKUJYOU released.
According to YUUKOU TOU, the faulty edited calendar in Japan for 1100 could have the error in almost
one year. The above block list was prepared for the study of planetary places taking a hint of the places of
Saturn placed in the sign Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer as were suggested in the description of SHOKU-GUNSHO-RUIJYUU.
The erroneous places of planets that were officially given in 1113 should be corrected to be in 1112.
Still additional errors in the places of planets could be found in the insufficient arts of the observation of
stars plus the miss placing of a faulty leap months in the calendars released.