アスペクト 2 ・ ASPECT of PLANETS 2
As the English expression of aspect connotes not only the present stage of position of a plane
to a fluid but also the future development of a current, the aspect in astrology will give us
future view prospected by the art. This is an art of human who makes judge on the aspect.
The ability of astrologer is important in looking at future event that may fatally encounter
prediction of aspect connoted. For example in weather forecast by a man in weather bureau,
he may judge on the meteorology by the arrangements of low pressure air and high pressure
air that will explain the aspect of weather change expected. And yet the final decision on the
day of either rainy or sunny will be depending on human ability who interprets many factors
on temperature, wind direction, else many factors combined.
In the early half of twentieth century, many students of astrology have released their studies
on the astrological predictions with the aspects of planets therefore the knowledge of aspects
formed between planets is recognized to be the most important tool of prediction. It was a kind
of the fashion to study the old compiled data of four thousand years records compiled on the
prediction performed by stars in the sky with the modern technique of aspects in astrology.
In modern astrology, we use five major aspects that are zero degree, sixty degrees, ninety
degrees, one hundred twenty degrees and also one hundred eighty degrees formed. Reason to
select these five aspects is deduced from the note found in Tetrabiblos authored by Ptolemy
or Ptolemaios or Ptolemaeus in Greek found. However, there was no definite description in
Tetrabiblos on angle of degrees formed between two planets but we found the relationship of
degrees formed between two signs selected in twelve signs. Therefore, there was no description
on conjunction, or zero degree aspect in the Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos defined. See footnote
in the Greek English translation written by E.E. Robbins on Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos in page 72.
天体間に形成される度数とアスペクトの関係を明瞭に記載したのはケプラー(J. Kepler, 1571-1630)
It was Johannes KEPLER, 1571-1630 who described the aspects in astrology clearly. He nominated
five set of aspects to be the major aspects and rest of several set of aspects in other
degrees the minor aspects defined. He has confessed as an astronomer that he has unwillingly
had to recognize the human under the influence of stars incurred, although he could not give
any theoretical reason on the mechanism to deduce such influence presented. The scholars are
joining to blame Kepler that he has to sell his soul to the astrology of Demon forced.
ケプラーが作成したホロスコープ・Kepler for ref.
Before the establishment of aspects in astrology, there were many types of prediction methods
in astrology found. Among them, the quadrant-system that specifies four points is famous. These
points include the Ascendant or east line, the Descendant or west line, the MC (MEDIUM COELI
in Latin) or the mid heaven and the IC (IMUM COELI in Latin) or the beneath earth penetrated
that is assumed. These points are now in use generally with the aspect formed on each point.