アスペクト 1・ ASPECT of PLANETS 1
内容を考えないで、手当たり次第に調理道具を使用してはなりません。 たとえば、トラインは刺身包丁のように
The aspect indications in the western astrology will be the most convenient tools that will process the material
of target object studied. We must carefully select a tool in processing the analysis of the object. For instance,
a sharp tool such as a trine aspect will cut a fresh raw fish while a tough tool such as a square aspect will
process a deep frozen fish stored.
Astrologers predict by the position of planets in ASPECT that it will be either good or bad
for the life of human on earth found. According to description in Webster’s New Collegiate
Dictionary, the word ASPECT connotes a position facing a particular direction or the manner
presentation of a plane to a fluid through which it is moving or to a current; which is
assembled to enter a big current of a river expected. No astronomer compares two stars that are separated each other in the different places of the sky observed such as studied in the astrology.
(Porphyry 295 AD)の説によれば、バビロニアのチューサ(西暦百年ころの人物)が始めてアスペクトの
With regarding to history of astrology, the readers will be invited to read the Preface 10
of this text as well as the additional page on the history of astrology linked. There are
some notes on the origins of word ASPECT in astrology employed. According to Jack Lindsay
on the Origins of Astrology in page 214, Geminos, or Geminus in the last century before
Christ hands over to the Chaldeans the theory of ASPECT in what concerns planets and the
Zodiac expected. In another note referred in A History of Horoscopic Astrology by James H.
Holden in page 32, it was Porphyry of 295 AD who found a note on the concept of ASPECT in
astrology by Teucer of Babylon in the era of 100 AD presented.
The logical description of the aspect in astrology was only given by Johannes Kepler in the Seventeenth Century.
In a class of astrology, the word ASPECT in English is translated insufficiently into Japanese
that connotes a different expression introducing a mess of thought by a different connotation
in the original concept of astrology lurked. In such misinterpretation on the word of ASPECT,
the difference on constellation of stars with sign division of astrology could not be defined
clearly that people are confused on the mechanism of astrology.

Further note will be given in NEXT page. LINKS listed in the right are the items of aspect.