Illustration in the left indicates a new view of aspect and orbs. This author has described an article in page 272
of my previous book published by the HIRAKAWA Press in 1996 released. The illustration is modified in my previous
work with the explanation of Noise Level added. The illustration will tell you the intensity of conjunction aspect
formed between the planet Mars against the planet Saturn as you will find in the experiment.

The orb of one degree will indicate the strong influence in the separating aspect.
The residual influence remains
outside the orbs of plus and minus five degrees which will be masked by the noises.
Traditional art has insisted on the residual influence of aspect that would be found in the place far apart from the
exact aspect formed. Nowadays astrology with the narrower orbs than the traditional way will cut off the noise area.
We may employ a new art such as the HALF-SUM

or the mid-points in the region of the lack of aspect. Of course the
too narrow orb will bring in another problem of the significant figures

, however,
the recommended orb in
nowadays astrology will be plus or minus two degrees. The sources of the unwanted noises in the astrology will be deduced from either the residual effect given by the nearby
aspects or the solar magnetic storm or else cosmic effects incurred. At present, we will have no way to escape from those
noises except for settlement of narrow orbs in the astrological aspects formed. As the intensity of conjunction aspect is the highest, the noise level may exceed the crest of the other aspects examined. A practitioner may expect the chance in the wide orbs settled.