

前ページの下段で述べたノイズは電気工学ばかりでなく化学薬品や医療の分野でも重要な問題になっている のです。自然科学の研究者は長年にわたる経験を重ねた実験で知識を集積してきました。その経験のうちの 一部のものは数学や物理学で理由が証明できました。たとえば、二つの物質を混ぜ合わせて加熱すると化学 反応で別な物質になります。その理由を物理学の法則で証明できるものもありますが、多くの物質の化学反応は いまだに証明ができていません。その原因はノイズ(雑音)による誤認です。化学反応の結果は正しいのですが、 その化学反応が発生したことを説明するために「こじつけた理由」(仮説)が正しかったかのように人間をだますノイズ(雑音)の存在 が研究者を誤認させるのです。
NOISE which is described in the lower column of previous page has become the serious problems not only in the electro communications but also in the field of chemical medical researches where the NOISES disturb the human logical reasoning persuaded. After the long decades of experiences in several thousand years, the knowledge of human have been compiled on the empirical studies on various field of science performed. In chemical reaction, for instance, we know the reason of reaction on some couples of materials that are mixed and heated which is evaluated by the physical science on mechanism involved. On the other hand, there are many items left outside just waiting for the EVALUATION given by the physical science based. The major reason of failure is the misunderstanding that is deluded by the strained hypothesis which behaves as though it were true due to the the NOISES were involved.

占星学の法則の根拠が正しいものであると主張をしても証拠が占い予測の的中である とすれば、そのような「経験論による証明」はノイズ(雑音)の存在による誤った証明であるのかもしれないのです。たとえ占いが的中をしても、 「こじつけた理由」の証明にはなりません。どのように多数の人々が長年にわたる支持を表明しても、 ノイズ(雑音)による誤りの証明では信用できないのです。証明の過程にノイズ(雑音)が存在していない という積極的な作業が必要になるのです。従来の自然科学の欠点を補うものとして1975年以降急速に発達 したカオス物理学の助けを借りて、占星学の多数の法則の一つ一つを改めて証明しなければなりません。本書 の「はじめに1」で述べた鉛の析出量の実験でも、コラストロームがどのように努力してノイズ(雑音)の関与 を避けたかを詳細に述べています。従来の占星学研究者は自己信念を強調したのに対して、新しい 時代の研究者はノイズ(雑音)の存在を強く意識するようになったのです。 ref ATT
Whenever a student of astrology stresses own self evidences, however, such have come only from the event oriented evaluation that demonstrates a nice fit of prediction by the art in his recommendation then the evidence can be deduced on the NOISE involved in the experiment. Therefore we cannot accept the event oriented evaluation made on the strained hypothesis on the involvement of NOISES in the process of prediction by astrology performed that has been supported by many people for the past many years elapsed. We need to reject the involvement of NOISES aggressively on each of laws of astrology with the aid of new CHAOS physics that will help the defect of past physics performed in and after 1975. In the reports of Kollerstrom whose work is described in the PREFACE 1 of this website, he said on his efforts to avoid the involvement of NOISES to disturb his experiments performed. Where the self confidence was major explanation in an old timer, the rejection of NOISES is major concern of a student of astrology in the new age challenged.ref

石川源晃が分割調波を開発したのはアディー調波が開発を放棄した第2高調波の研究を続行する目的でした。 しかし研究を進めるうちに新しいカオス物理学 ref ATTの知識が加わり、石川源晃の分割調波はノイズ(雑音)から の攻撃に強いことが判明しました。多数の的中例が存在することは分割調波の実用的な価値を高める ものです。それに加え、ノイズ(雑音)の影響を受けにくいという従来の占星学の法則にはない新しい特徴 が21世紀の分割調波の用途を広めるものになります。
DIVISIONAL HARMONICS invented by H. M. Gen ISHIKAWA was intended to continue the development of study on the second harmonics of Addey as he has declined the study on them because of the instability involved. After described the book on DIVISINAL HARMONICS, I have found new facility in my DIVISIONAL HARMONICS, with new knowledge learnt in reading the books of the CHOS physics, that the art of DIVISIONAL HARMONICS is very much strong to resist the attack against incoming unwated NOISE that is incurred. In addition to the evidences on many fits in many items of prediction of this art, the mighty character to resist NOISES will be favorable for the use of DIVISIONAL HARMONICS in the twenty first century prevailed. This author expects the development of its research in accordance with the newly proposed CHAOS PHYSICS explored. ref

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