カオス物理学 3 ・ CHAOS physics 3 ・ 石川源晃著
数学者もカオス (混沌・こんとん)の問題に気がついていました。フランスの数学者ポアンカレ(1854-1912)
French mathematician Jules Henri Poincar’e (1854-1912) has pointed out a CHAOTIC
movements in solar bodies that a minor change at the beginning condition would build
up wide range of accidental change eventually produced. His ingenious suggestion was
not evaluated properly as the philosophers that are leading the whole areas of the human
arts and learning are conservative on his idea as it was only an accidental and an
exceptional case of unstable transiting phenomena unskillfully encountered. The proper
philosophy must be found in the form of an eventual stability of un-changeable truth.
The essential solution on the CHAOTIC movements could not be realized in impracticable talks
of mathematicians and philosophers until after 1972 when a U.S. meteorologist Lorenz has placed
the formula on those movements, a partial work of which will be illustrated in the brief copy of
drawing released. For the further notes, please link to the description given by Manus J. Donahue III
that was copyrighted by him in 1997 released. You will learn beautiful illustrations on the arts of
fractal developed by Benoit Mandelbrot.
As already was described in the page of HOW to RESEARCH ASTROLOGY 2 of this site,
we will be able to explore the mechanism of astrology by the research on the CHOS physics.
Then the detailed mechanism of human on earth that have been affected by the minor change
of the combination of heavenly bodies will be studied. It is a dream of this author that the astrology
will be studied neither by the researchers of psychologists but by the hands of natural scientists.