アスペクト 10 ・ ASPECT 10 石川源晃著
いいます。(アスペクト2,3参照) 占星学がアスペクトを使用する場合に、2個の占星点が作る角度が
Aspect is the set of selected degrees formed between two astrological points. The point is
either the moving heavenly body or the quadrant point or the hypothetical point which is
represented by the Par-of-Fortune as described in the page of aspect 3 already. In the actual
practice, the aspect is valid when the point moves slightly off from exact value calculated
on the span of degree-difference set between two points. The amount of degrees off from the
exact value of aspect is called the ORB of aspect. According to the ancient technology, the
ORB is set wider either for the Sun or the Moon but set narrow for the other planet. Ancient
people have believed the mechanism of ORB in the aspect is similar phenomena as we observe
the bright of glow after the sunset. This must be error in the explanation of ORB because the
ORB in aspect cannot be described in the reflection of air by the afterglow that is observed
at the sunset. Therefore, we must explore new theory to describe the ORB in aspect formed.
In the illustration given in the PREFACE 1 of the text, the extracted amount of lead metal is
increased at 27 Cancer and keeps its value for about two degrees observed.

The amount of metal
is slightly higher in the point after leaving than in the point before the aspect conjunction
is formed. This justifies the law of astrology that the separate aspect is stronger than the
applying aspect formed. This justifies the law of astrology that the separate aspect is
stronger than the applying aspect formed. This was described in the Babylonian astrology in
some three thousand years ago and was clearly described in the world oldest text book of
astrology or TETRABIBLOS of Ptolemy written in AD100 assumed.
ORB in present technique is illustrated in the
right where exact point in aspect has the span
of effective region that is set with the range
of plus and minus of degrees allowance created.
ORB is total value of the span covering plus
and minus regions. In the assumption, we imagine
the resonance curve of radio receiver and the
region of the crest of curve is made narrow and
sharp. In the modern art of astrology in the
later half of twentieth century, the crest is
made sharp in only a few degrees allowed. In
the future when we can have new theory of astrology,
we can describe the ORB with much logical way, however,
it will not be wise to set ORB in wide range that we will loose the chance for NO−ASPECT
of freedom.
オーブの限界・ narrow ORBS
The practical indication of orb of aspect is not the uniform distribution of the resonance curve but
it has extended very few to the previous degrees of aspect. It has extended some more degrees
of orb after the formation of exact aspect found. The practical case of orb will be indicated clearly
in the illustration given in the page of Preface 1 which gives the value of lead metal produced
after forming the exact aspect observed.