
分割調波を発表した1980年は世界的にコンピュータ使用が急速に普及しはじめたころで、占星学の世界でも 出生図の計算をコンピュータで行うことが常識になっていました。分割調波はアスペクトのオーブ1度で 判定ができるので、筆者も計算精度を向上させるのが当然のように考えていました。しかし、1984年の英文・ 分割調波の82ページにすでに発表したように、筆者は世界にさきがけて、当時すでにオーブの限界値の研究を 開始していたのです。 筆者の研究によれば、アスペクトのオーブを2度、1度半、1度、30分と徐々に狭 くすると、オーブ30分(二分の1度)を限度にして、占星学の判定が急速に不安定になるのです。
By the year of 1980 when I have released the DIVISIONAL HARMONICS, electronic device of computers has come to be popularized that it has been the common technique to employ computers for calculation of birth charts in the business of most astrologers found. People including myself are no fear to increase the accuracy of calculation of charts of astrological delineation and I was so proud on one-degree-orb of my DIVISIONAL HARMONICS as to be the modern practice of astrology of the year appreciated. Even in such circumstance for the study of astrology, I was in the fear on increased narrowness of orb of aspects placed. As already described in the DIVISIONAL HARMONICS in the edition of 1980, I have released at the first time on the study of limitation in the narrow orbs of aspects that reported in its 82 page on reduced value of orbs formed. Orb is either span of two−degrees, one-and-half- degrees, one-degree or half-degree. This indicates rapid decreased stability in the astrological delineation when we increase the narrowness of orbs of aspects in less than one-half-degree examined found.

研究を進めるうちに占星学で使用する出生図やその他のチャートの計算精度にも限界が存在するということ が考えられるようになりましたので、この問題をまず整理します。この問題を考える上で占星学研究の基本 的な態度(専門研究用ページの当初を参照)に記載した1975年以降急速に発展したカオス物理学の新しい時 代の考えかたにATT影響を受けていることを明瞭にしておきます。ref
During the study on the mechanism of orbs of aspects, the problem on the limit of the exact value in the measurement of the places of planets cannot be overlooked in the analysis. Therefore, we must explore this elemental and basic problem from the depth again. To consider, the problem concerned to the limit of accuracy to calculate the places of planets, we must admit to refer this on new CHAOS PHYSICSref that is developed rapidly after 1975 released. (See also in the page of How to Research in Advanced Study of this website described. )

約二千五百年まえのギリシャ時代に哲学者が数学者ピタゴラスの影響をうけ、西暦八世紀ころのアラブ文明 の数学万能の時代の影響をうけて、占星学の予測手段は数学の処理をした四分点(アスペクト3ページ) ref を 使用するようになりました。天体を取り扱う天文学は物理学の法則を使用し天体の運動を数学的に求めます が、占星学の場合には、自然科学の研究が成果をあげていないのに、数学の計算だけを信用して占いの予測 をして、的中占い例を証拠にしてきました。そして、天体の位置などの値が数学的に正確でないと占いをし ないというのが正統的な星占いになりました。1928年に米国で簡略な星座占いがマスコミの注目を浴びて 観念的な誕生日の星座占いに人々の関心が集中したので天体の位置などを正確に計算する星占いをしてきた 研究者は天体位置などを正確に計算することが占星学研究の本質であるという主張をしました。
Student in the mathematical panacea has been a successor of the Grecian philosophers who have studied the art under the influence of Pythagoras the mathematician specialized. After 8th century, under the influence of the Arabic mathematicians, the prediction art of astrology has come to relay on the precise calculation of places of quadrant points that are formulated by the mathematics. In the astronomy, the estimated places of planets are formulated by the math that is supported by the theory of physics that is evidenced by experiments. In the study of astrology, on the other hand, there is very few items in natural science to support the law of prediction but only calculates formulas of mathematics with the evidence of a good fit of predicted event resulted. It has been the intense advocacy of the astrologers that the precise calculation by the math should be the royal road for the study of astrologers in a good career obtained. In 1928 when the simple style of prediction by the fortune telling art of lucky stars, or zodiac sign symbolism in quick reference with the birth day has become the fun for mass media in the United States of America, serious students of astrologers from orthodox schools of astrology have gathered to advocate the use of the art of mathematics in calculating the points of astrology that should be the essential and basic requirement in the art of prediction by the astrology supported.

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