
For the problems on the accuracy of calculation, see the previous page and the next page also.

計算が正確ならば占いが的中するわけではないのに占星学の研究者は理論を抜きにして、ひたすら計算をしました。 理論が明瞭で計算精度に限界があればATT限度を超えて計算しても無意味です。占星学は自然科学で測定できない要素を含むので、人間の感覚に頼ることになります。人間の意見で、必要以上の計算精度で天体位置を計算してきたのですが、この問題に対する 意見を述べた占星学者は絶無です。 計算精度というと、人々は短絡的に人間の出生時刻の正確さを指摘しますが、問題はそのような技術的な 精度の問題ではなくて、占星学全般に関わる占星学の数字が持っている正確さの限度の問題です。正確な計算をして広いオーブで判断する矛盾は許されません。
Although there is no theory to support the accuracy limit of calculation in the place of planet into the precision, people only believe the theory of astrology in an assumption that the precise mathematical calculation will lead a good fit in the result of prediction performed. To get a good fit as an evidence, the wide ORB with several degrees or more on the astrological point is placed. Few criticisms are ever heard on this contradiction that requires the precise calculation in one hand and also gives the wide allowance of ORB on aspect in the other hand found. Thus, we might be wrong in asking for the precise calculation beyond the requirement of the art of astrology where no scientific law but the human preference is prevail found. People would easily cite the problem in the accuracy in the birth moment. We must recognize, however, the much more elemental problem in the accuracy of figures calculated in the art of astrology in general than the specific item that is involved in the birth moment observed.

難しい議論をしないでも、アスペクト11の図面refを見れば誰でも占星学が取り扱う天体の位置 の正確さと天文学の天体位置の正確さの間に共通の尺度が存在しないATTことが明瞭です。東洋の占いが 原則として1日単位の占いをして、特別な占い方法でも2時間刻みであるのに対して、占星学が 分秒の単位を議論するので西欧の占星学は占いとしては細かい精密なものです。しかし、精密さ を天文学が使用する精度と比較することはできません。天文学が基礎にする自然科学の法則の 内容と占星学が基礎にしている「未知?」の自然科学の法則の内容とは別の尺度を使用している のですから、直接に比較することが無意味なのです。
Without entering into the detailed study, if we see the illustration given in “ASPECT 11”, refany one will be able to point out easily the difference exists between the problems of accuracy in the places of planets concerned for two different types of study, or astrology and astronomy found. In the oriental type of fortune telling art, the tables has been mostly prepared with one day step that is the minimum unit of calculation of the art expected. In the precise special type art of oriental style, two hours step is the limit of accuracy in calculation found. Contrary to those oriental traditional arts of fortune telling, the European style art of astrology has its accuracy in the calculation with the precision of down to the seconds of time. It is however, the preciseness required in astrology should be entirely different from that of astronomy requires. It is entirely nonsense even to compare the accuracy concerned to the places of planets between astrology and astronomy as the basic theories of them is entirely different each other consisted. The theory of astronomy is based on the natural science. On the other hand, the theory of astrology will probably be based on a new kind of unknown item of physics in the natural science expected. In such assumption, we cannot compare astrology with astronomy in the theory concerned.

占星学は天文学の技術を踏襲したので天体位置を分秒の単位で正確に計算しました。しかし占星学にはアスペクトオーブという天文学に存在しない 独特な現象が存在します。「はじめに1」の金属鉛の析出量で判明するように天文学の原理 とは異なる自然科学の原理を占星学が使用しているのに誰もその相違を説明しません。古い時代の オーブの考え方の誤りは「アスペクト10」を参照してください。 ref 天文学の場合には、摂動refのような微妙な運動も一般の観測では無視しますから、計算精度は数学の許す範囲で正確にすることが可能です。
Astrology has been using the similar theory that is employed by astronomy. Thus the astrologers calculate the places of planets to the precise range of a second of minute. As the astronomers are negrecting the perturbation,ref they could calculate exact place of planet. In the art of astrology, we use ORBS and ASPECTS which are never found in the art of astronomy. No one has ever studied in depth the underlying difference of the theory found between astronomy and astrology that specifies the problem of orbs and aspects observed. This must be studied most clearly by the experiment of the extracted value of lead metal as illustrated in the page PREFACE 1 of this website. Also see the page of ASPECT 10 ref for the description on the orb of aspect that is given in the previous text books with errors.

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