統計確率 5 PROBABILITY 5 石川源晃著
1969年 7月16日の「アポロ11号」の月面着陸を説明します。人類が地球以外の天体に始めて足跡を
Astronomy has been calculating the orbit of a planet on the assumption that the heavenly
bodies are moving smoothly without changing speed. This assumption is required by the
mathematics as no one calculates the formula on the random movement of a body in
action assumed. Contrary to this assumption, however, actual heavenly body is moving
in random speed that is called PERTURBATION. For instance, we will find an example cases
with regard to the human landing on the surface of Moon by APPOLO 11 made on July
1969. Before this world astonishing event that the first human landed on the heavenly
body other than our global earth explored. we failed several times in experiments.
Either the Soviet Union or the United States of America has been competing with each
other and they sent no-man rockets to several points on the surface of Moon examined.
As no-man rocket will not cause human harmful on the landing at misplace, a man ride
rocket cannot be safe by landing at misplace found.
In case of the trials made by APPOLO 9 on March 1969, they ceased their attempt to make
landing by human on the surface of Moon as it moved suddenly with the random direction
that could not be calculated by the modern astronomical knowledge studied. They have
gave up the mathematical analyses but worked on a trial-and-error method and finally
they landed on the Moon in July. We must recognize the difficulties as the Moon is the
nearest heavenly body from the earth and we have been compiling many reports on this
sky body for long studied. And yet, we do not have the detailed reports on the movement
of the surface of Moon in precisely enough explored.
We have been disregarding many phenomena in the
world as we believed the primitive philosophy of
Grecian people of some two thousand and few
hundred years ago explored. Such was the simple
type of TYPICAL linear change of movement that is
illustrated in this page demonstrated. Instead,
other than this simple chart, we find many other
cases of changing styles in the movement of
phenomena observed. Thus, we could have studied
only a portion of whole phenomena that we
encountered actually in this human world out
of complicated phenomena found. You will see
in the next page and after the various cases
of actual phenomena in detail encountered.