統計確率 6 PROBABILITY 6 石川源晃著
It was only after the outbreak of the twentieth century when the people were discontented
with the old Grecian philosophy that was based on the primitive mathematics involved. Any
basic studies of human including psychology that were studied before the moment are
incomplete in theory at the actual application to human life encountered. The physics is
also find itself as an incomplete and new age of the CHAOS physics has come after 1970.
Astrology is the ever developing study of human and it is vivid always.
People had never enjoyed either the radio or TV in these some thousands years in our history
until we met these new tools in the twentieth century experienced. A mathematician who has
studied only imaginary a complicated motion in the formula is now looking at the device of
electronic display and confirms the motion by own eyes. Art of mathematics in the ancient has
developed on the surveying engineering to settle the disputes on the lost lands after the flood
of the Nile River in Egypt is now supported by the electronic engineering of modern science.
As was illustrated in the straight line or LINEAR change of the previous page, the philosophy
of the ancient people was based on a simple motion that changes the position in a smooth and a
steady motion of alternation. In the actual cases of motion, however, we will see many cases of
changes as are illustrated in the above curves demonstrated. In the left hand side, the curved
or NON-LINEAR motion will be found either in the first or end section of linear straight line.
Such changing current of electricity will be observed at the time of switch-in operation in the
circuit of an oscillator device in either a radio set or a computer system worked. In the right,
we will see a kind of ZIGZAG motion or the PERTURBATION that is observed in any planet in the heaven around us met
Astronomers are easy to assume the motion to be a smooth and steady change as you will find
in a dotted line of mean value change demonstrated.