The occultists have believed the astrology should be the supernatural science since the beginning
of human history far before the age of Grecian cultures.
However, we have no definite answer on this problem as yet obtained. In case of a practitioner might employ a kind of super natural inspiration in judging the case of
his or her client besides the astrological prediction, there could be an involvement of the art of
occultism in his or her business performed. This does not mean the western type astrology is
the art on the occultism practiced.
ケプラー(1571-1630 )が天体の運行軌道を計算し、ニュートン(1642−1727 )が重力を発見したので、
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) calculated on the orbit of planet, and Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
studied the gravity of massive materials found. Thus our nowadays astronomy can predict the
movement of planets on the orbit calculated. Although many techniques are explored until
recently, however, we cannot construct the effective equipment to measure the strength of gravity
form of waves that have been transmitted from the distance stars so called PULSARS as yet.
With our present insufficient knowledge on universe, the distribution of influence given from the
sky is not uniform. Under such un-even distribution of influences from the sky, we find our solar
system is moving around. The astrology is the art of study to learn these moving sky bodies, mostly
in ten bodies that have been giving the influence to the human life. The opinion of occultists is
the super natural orientation that those many influences from the sky should be beyond human
imagination that is hidden from the human knowledge lurked.
In the daily human life, we have many things that are difficult to explain logically as required.
It is easy to give the label of OCCULTISM upon any unclear matters, however, in such easy attitude
we will not be able to explore new solution with new discovery. According to the reports from the
researchers on the ability of a clairvoyant, we see the power of discerning objects not present to
the senses will be brought up high with the proper trainings scheduled. The trainings are much
easier given to a person equipped with high intuitive born ability than the ordinal person. The discussion on
the suitable types of horoscope for clairvoyants has been disclosed many, however, there is no
definite solution on the scientific reason involved.
When a certain person has born ability of clairvoyance and been interested in astrology, we find this
person is suitable for the practical business astrologer than to study the astrological laws in depth.
In some particular case, such talented astrologer will clearly see the horoscope of a certain person
without processing the mathematical calculation processed. Such talent should be the born characters
and insufficient amount of ability will make a serious error easily. Therefore, if you have such talent,
you will be safe to keep it in your secret and should never disclose own talent to others so as to avoid
further difficulties until you are sure on your born talent that could be confirmed after repeated trainings.