There are two lines of streams in the translation made on the descriptions of Aristotle. One is a group of philosophers
that translates the Greek META as to come after.
Another is a group of occultists that translates the Greek META as to jump beyond the border line that has restricted to study.
In case when the opinion of philosophers is true then we must study astrology by the physics in detail before discussing the
features of astrology at work therefore the things that were previously hidden from our sight will become visible then after. The original form of astrology in the ages of Sumerian of trade people in ancient would be one
of the natural science of those days developed. It would gradually be altered in the form of
supernatural occultism by the influences given from the hunting race of Semite joined.

Although Grecian in Fourth Century BC have tried to study astrology as a science, however, they
could not establish astrology as a science but the art of astronomy could be separated from astrology.
Ptolemy in 100 AD in Egypt has described a book in which he has tried to recall the Grecian dream
in astrology that had returned to Babylonian supernatural art of fortune telling technique.
Unfortunately this book was not studied by the people of Europe but kept in people of Arabian countries
until the invention of printing machines in Fifteenth Century and the book of Ptolemy could be studied
widely by European people released. Thus the knowledge of people in Europe could be developed newly.