占星学の天体の性質 ・ Trait of a planet




天動説が古代の人間の考えで、地動説が現代の人間の考えだという説をする人は物事を論理的に考えない人物です。地球上の事柄の約束 ref はすべてが天動説です。





しかし、人間の出生時刻を研究した結果 ref によれば、月の潮の満ち干と出産の関係は偶然の一致であって、確かな因果関係は存在していません。 ref

しかし、火星と土星の地上の金属に与える影響が測定 ref されているのですから、占星学の法則が将来は必ず証明されることでしょう。

占星学で研究する天体が「なぜ」地球上の人間の生活に影響をあたえるのか? という理由を自然科学の知識で説明できないために、占星学天体の性質は古代以来の経験論に従うことになります。



トロピカル方式の暦(春分点移動式の暦)では毎年7月末から 8月末にかけて太陽は「しし」のサインに入居します。占星学の法則では、天体太陽は「しし」のサインを支配するというのですから、この時期に太陽の力が最強になるというのです。そして、毎年の 1月末から 2月末にかけて太陽は「みずがめ」のサインに入居しますが、太陽は「みずがめ」のサインでは損傷を受けるという占星学の法則で、この時期の太陽の力は最低になるというのです。



The explanation for the sky bodies in astrology is indifferent from that of made by the astronomers.

In the astronomical system, there is the space called universe. Among this universe there is the solar system. Finally, each planet rotating around the Sun is studied with its Moon if any accompanied. Thus the heliocentric theory is established.

In the astrological system, there is the human standing on the surface of global earth. The sky bodies are observed and studied as the human looks up the sky. Thus the geocentric theory is established.

All conventions
ref made by us on our earth are studied on the basis of geocentric theory. Either the geocentric theory or the heliocentric theory is the modern theory and it is not any trend from ancient barbarians.

For instance, the super express SHINKANSEN runs with three hundred kilometers per hour from Tokyo to Oosaka. In the heliocentric theory, the earth surface moves from west to east. If we consider the super express runs the same speed in the both way, this should be done with the geocentric theory.

As all theories of physics are performed under the geocentric theory, we must try each case on its fitness in the universal space with an experiment made for each case in the space shuttle.

Some one may place a debate based on his personal theory by pointing out the difference found between the astronomy and the astrology looked. It is not logical to deny the law in another system because of the different category involved.

The astronomer may consider the human living in the another sky body in the space while the astrologer looks at the influence of a heavenly body given to a human standing on the surface of earth affected.

It is quite natural for us to study the influence of the gravity given by the Moon as the ocean tide is controlled by the effect of gravity given by the Moon incurred. The recent study on the rate of human birth ref has been observed without any effect given by the changing phase of Moon that was in the effect of an accidental coincidence. ref

As we are at a loss to verify the existing effect of the Moon gravity affected to the astrological effect, therefore the further influence of gravity given by the distant planet such as Mars will not be considered properly. We have a definite evidence of the metal experiment ref and we hope to find the scientific reason for the astrological phenomena in the near future.

Up to present, we are sorry to miss to find the proper scientific explanation on the reason why the sky body or a planet can affect the human behavior on earth. Thus, we only rely on the empirical experiences that we have learnt since the time of ancient ages.

According to the ancient theory, the basic trait of a planet will be modified by its location specified by each one of twelve zodiac signs. For instance, the basic trait of the Sun in astrology will be either father or the boss of family who will give the energy to belongings. This trait of the Sun in astrology will be modified in accordance with its tenanted location of twelve set zodiac.

In the Tropical system calendar, the Sun is located in the zodiac sign Leo in the end of July through the end of August. In the system of astrology, the Sun governs the sign Leo and the strength of the Sun must be highest in this sign. On the other hand, the sign of Aquarius must be the place of detriment for the Sun. Therefore, the strength of the Sun must be lowest in the end of January through the end of February.

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