占星学は学問か? 10 ・ Is Astrology a Science? 10
法則の成り立ち 1・Rules 1
Disregarding the verification of the law by natural science,
the law will be calssified as follows: the axiom, or a self-evidence truth such as the proposition regarding to the existence of heaven and earth will
be accepted by the people without giving any further evidence. The theorem will be verified against conflicting
views placed. The convention or agreement is settled for the convenience of people and it will not be required to
be verified theoretically if the people would accept it practically. For instance, we have twelve hours in the morning
and afternoon found. No one will ask the reason of twelve hours. It may be any numbers of hours. It is neither the
axiom nor the theorem but the convention agreed.
In case of setting the theorem, we propose the hypothesis. In the research on the natural science, we place a trial point that is based on the HYPOTHESIS
that was deduced from the contract made by the owner of a ship between the constructer of ship
in the era of Greek in about two thousand years ago practiced. In the text of such contract,
the constructer agreed to receive money paid after the first sail of the ship was successful.
Once settled hypothesis may become the convention.
The law of Metric System for instance, the scientists have once agreed the hypothesis in 1793 on the length of one meter
in reference to the length of the Meridian Line measured passing through Paris, France. As they found an error in the
length measured afterward, the people accepted the already settled one meter length with alternating the standard from
the Meridian Line to the wave length of light in the convention agreed.
In the art of astrology, the axiom, or a self-evidence truth will be the proposition regarding to the existence of sky bodies
and human on earth observed. The major convention will be twelve selected set of constellation along the ecliptics in
which we actually see sixteen set of constellation observed. The section in thirty degrees with twelve zodiac sectors of
the definition settled by Hipparchus

would be another convention. The characteristic given for each zodiac sign
with reference to the respective constellation would be still another convention agreed. Therefore, the attempt to verify by
the scientific study for the zodiacs that was once tried by The Astrological Association AA might be argued theoretically again.
The real need for the scientific verification in the astrology would be those of the law of the Ascendant and the laws of aspects.
Although we do not have effective way by now with the scientific verification on the most basic hypothesis in the practice of
astrology which enables us to predict the future life of human on earth, a certain useful hint might be found in the study of
aspects formed. Other practical rules such as the polarity (plus minus), the quality (CFM), the element (FEAW) and the house
divisions are all the conventions that are outside the scientific verification.
You may study a suitable convention with the statistical analysis.