天体性質の議論 ・ Debate on the Trait of a planet

天体は存在している12サインの影響を受けるという占星学にだけ存在している法則を基準にして、占星学特有のハウスという考えかたが生み出されました。 ref

筆者は占星学の天体の性質について、新しい理論 ref を考えて、その内容を1999年に米国政府に版権の登録をし、2001年に米国占星学者連盟AFAの会報に発表をしましたが、未だ、その新理論を科学的に証明することが出来ません。この新理論は天空の多数の固定星が放射している多数の放射物の組み合わせによる干渉縞の中を太陽系の惑星が動きまわることによって占星学に特有する影響が発生するという理論です。


西暦二世紀ころのエジプトのアレキサンドリアでは、古代ギリシャの影響を受けて、 天体と12サインの支配関係が議論されるようになりましたが、その考えかたは単純な類推によるものでした。太陽を「しし」のサインに配すれば、水星は「おとめ」、金星は「てんびん」、火星は「さそり」、木星は「いて」、土星は「やぎ」になります。そして、残ったサインから月を「かに」に割り当てれば、「ふたご」は水星になり、「おうし」は金星になり、「おひつじ」は火星になり、「うお」は木星になり、「みずがめ」は土星になり、12サインを支配する12個の天体を割り当てることができるという考えかたです。

占星学の天体の並び方の順番は天動説 ref によるものですから、地動説の現在の天文学と異なるのは当然なことです。


西暦3世紀ころになると、トロピカル方式の暦(春分点移動)とサイデリアル方式の暦 ref との差が5度を超えるようになり、また、ローマ時代(ラテン語時代)には、ギリシャ神話とローマ神話の相違の問題も加わって天体とサインの支配関係が混乱をするようになりました。

この混乱はその後何世紀にも亘って、占星学が泥沼の議論を経験することになるのです。そして、ケプラー(1571-1630)の新しい天体観測、アラン・レオ(1860-1917)、マーガレット・ホーン(1882-1969)などの近代占星学の幕開け、ジョン・アディー(1920-1982)の論理的な占星学研究の幕開け ref などの苦難を経て、占星学がバビロニア(カルディア)の経験論を脱して、古代ギリシャ人が目指した論理的な学問としての研究が出来るようになったのです。ATT



The trait of a planet under the influence of the tenanted sign will be a specific definition of traditional astrology debated. The house system has been proposed on the above trait of a planet.

This author describes new theory for a trait of planet in astrology that is studied on the basis of mixed rays given by many fixed stars. I have described this theory under the title of Astrological Revolution and registered at the US Copy Right Office in December 1999. ref

New theory will require the further researches given by many helps from bona fide scientists interesting in the theory of astrology explored.

Back to the ancient records, the trait of a planet in a zodiac sign was not clear as nowadays people believed.
According to ancient BABYLONIAN, so called a SECRER PLACE was defined for each planet. Those were as follows; Saturn’s secret place was the Horn of the Scorpio, or nowadays Libra, Jupiter’s secret place was Cancer, Mars’s secret place was Capricorn, Venus’s secret places were Leo and Pisces, Mercury’s secret place was Virgo, the Sun’s secret place was Aries and the Moon’s secret place was the Pleiades (which were in Taurus). They did not give any reasons for these assignments, nor did they explain what a secret place was.

Astrologers in Alexandria, Egypt in the Second Century AD, they have studied the astrology under the influence of the ancient Greek school of research recommended. After the debates, they simply aligned the order of planets in a series of zodiac signs as follows; the Sun for Leo, Mercury for Virgo, Venus for Libra, Mars for Scorpio, Jupiter for Sagittarius, Saturn for Capricorn. Then count down in the opposite direction, as follows; the Moon for Cancer, Mercury for Gemini, Venus for Taurus, Mars for Aries, Jupiter for Pisces and Saturn for Aquarius.
The order of sky bodies was aligned by the Geocentric theory established. ref

Although there were some advocators telling the possible historical records from hearsay evidences, those records are all lost and the Alexandrian scheme for establishing the sign ruler-ships was all arbitrary. It might or might not be arising from caprice ideas from Alexandrian astrologers the ruler of zodiac sign has been used by the most astrologers worldwide.

Alexandrian astrologers have adopted the Babylonian Secret Places as the exaltation signs. However, they ignored the sign Leo for Venus aligned. But they assigned Pisces for the exaltation place of Venus.

After the Third Century AD, the observed difference between the Tropical system calendar and the Sidereal system calendar ref has become five degrees or more that was serious for the research of certain law of astrology explored in debated. The situation was much confusing with the problems coming from the difference of Roman mythology against Grecian mythology studied?

People in Europe have had to suffer these messes of confusions for several periods of centuries until the Seventeenth Century when John Kepler (1571-1630) has described new system of astronomy studied. After the further studies performed by Alan Leo (1860-1971), Margaret E. Hone (1882-1969) and John M. Addey (1920-1982), we can open a heavy door to the modern astrology with the logical study that was once tried in vain by the ancient Grecian students explored.

In this occasion of the early death of John M, Addey in 1982, the HISTORICISM that had been preventing the logical approach for the astrological studies prior to the Seventeenth Century in Europe is now coming again. In the historicism, student of astrology will accept traditional practice without criticizing it by the logical analysis but approves it only on the reason of nice fit evidenced in the art of prediction performed.

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