(おひつじなど)で表示しています。 しかし、インド方式
言われています。 古代の文献を研究する人がバビロニア式の暦を主張するのは当然としても、現在のサイデリアル
しかし、その主張は誤りです。その誤りを説明するのに、地球上の時刻の問題を一例として説明をします。 地球上のどこの国でも、
標準時(standard time)を定めます。そして、世界標準時(universal time)との時差でその地方の時刻を表示します。
国の内部の都市の時刻は場所により異なるのですが、人間の約束で近隣の都市は同じ標準時を使用します。 たとえば、九州の
考慮するのでしょうか? 春分点の移動だけに神経質なサイデリアル方式の暦
The most confusing point of debate in the astrology will be the problems concerned to the systems of calendar.
World popular calendar of astrology is the Tropical system calendar that tells the places of planets in
the twelve zodiac signs located. Minor systems of calendar called the Sidereal system calendars are found
among several categories such as the Indian system
or else released. Although these calendars will tell us
the places of planets in twelve zodiac signs, the indicated degrees and zodiac sign may change according to
the selected system asserted.
In the ancient, for instance in Babylonia,
the people were familiar with the sidereal type calendar. As the
size of each constellation being unequal, the ancient Babylonian by the Third Century BC had set twelve section of thirty degree ephemeris already.
in 134 BC in Greek has set thirty degrees equal segment
with twelve set of zodiac signs by starting from Aries zero degree for the vernal equinox moving with the precession calculated. Contrary to this
logical approach, the Chaldeans or the successors of Babylonian have remained in the old style calendar.
After 100 AD in Egypt Ptolemy (100-178) described TETRABIBLOS by asserting that the astrologers should
employ the Grecian type astronomical calendar or Tropical type calendar by abandoning Babylonian type or
Sidereal type calendars customized. Unfortunately, many astrological literatures were burnt out in great fire of the
Library of Alexandria in 288 AD
and we could only learn a few copies hidden in Arabic countries.
Some of them have been copied in Europe in the Fifteenth Century after the invention of printing machines.
The people in Europe who had believed the ancient type evidential style astrology of Babylonian schools have come
to learn the logical approach of the ancient Grecian schools since then.
Johannes KEPLER (1571-1630) of Germany advocated in employing the planetary aspects in place of the ancient
dignities of zodiacal traits signified. Alan Leo (1860-1917) of England was successful in studying the modern school of
astrology established. Although the trait of study for the ancient Babylonian type calendar might be acceptable for
some of the anti modern students, however, the presently advocated Sidereal system of calendars are employing
thirty degrees segment of the conventional Tropical style with shifted point of origin that left the problems half done.
This author as one of the advocators of the Tropical type of calendar may suggest those of the students of Sidereal type
calendars to study on a new type calendar that is designed with the following remarkable challenging points: i.e.
forty two degrees for the Pisces section
, twenty four degrees in Aries section, revived Horn of the Scorpio in place of
the Libra section
and alter other thirty degree sections into actual size of constellation. With this trial calendar,
we may expect comparison study for the merit and failure with the conventional Tropical type calendar selected.
One of the major points of arguments in justifying the Sidereal calendar system might be the scientific fitness of the place of planet
against the place of constellation located.
This point of argument is not justifiable for the natural science discussion debated.
For instance, imagine the local time zone of our global earth. We set the local standard time zone that is located in a specific time
difference from the universal time or GMT agreed. A city such as Fukuoka in Kyuusyu Island is set in the same time zone with
Tokyo city where the sun set time would be about forty minutes earlier than Fukuoka found. This time convention is not against
the agreement in the natural science rules specified.
Considering the point of discussion in the Sidereal calendar system against the Tropical system calendar, some one may expect the
time zone of Fukuoka set different from that of Tokyo because of the difference of basic island located separately. Further more,
the change of the location of global continents in a long run, we are at a loss to consider the point of discussion that the
Sidereal advocators might consider those points of discussion logically enough or other wise. This confusing situation in the
debate might be initiated from a specific bias in the opinion of Sidereal supporters that the astrological system must be only
limited in the use of the present house systems released.
In the nowadays system of astrological convention, we employ the birth time described in the local standard time and
the mathematical calculation of ASC converted the sidereal time in adjusting to the global longitude and latitude located.
These figures are all specified in accordance with the convention
that is settled as the natural science accepted.
When any alternation in the specific item of convention may occur, we must change the system to meet new convention.
Any one who would insist on the old convention without verifying the point of discussion clearly might be a sticky advocator
of an altered traditional practice.