In the system of astrology, as being indifferent from that of astronomy, the sky bodies will be classified into two
brief classes observed. The planet is a body in moving quicker than the fixed star that is observed almost fixed
in the sky located.
This system of astrology, as similar to the physics, the body may change its classification in
accordance with the situation observed.
Still another problem in the western astrology will be the house divisions. Although the house was not defined
clearly in the ancient Greek system of astrology, this concept was introduced by Dorotheus of Egypt in the First
Century AD released.
As the concept of twelve sign of a sky body should have to be defined most clearly
settled for the address of location of sky body, the definition of the house system might only be recognized as one of
the analogous alignment guessed from the twelve zodiac sign arrangement previously defined. The astrological
evidence has been only valid in an event that could fit the astrological prediction performed. This evidence could not
meet the strict examination in the philosophy with the test of natural science as yet. But only to be believe by a practitioner
by appreciating his system of choice among many types of houses examined.
Thus to avoid confusion, some astrologers nowadays examine a system without employing the house system. The past experiences of human have improved the progress of civilization, however, the investigation on the reasons
of an observed event should have been studied in detail.
In the religious historical event, the people can accept it with
the ardent pious mind connoted. In the art of prediction by the western astrology, we should have to study the inherent
reason of its fit with reference to an actual event happened.
The serious study proposed by John M. Addey of England on
the reliability of fit in the similar events under similar condition will open new research in the serious study of
astrology explored. We had previously only to see a crowd of customer at a practitioner of a good fame whose customers were
found among the satisfied people except from the unsatisfied failed customers.