In the Seventeenth Century, we saw many astrologers have rushed to employ hypothetical planets

that are
imaginary settled without the verification of the observation made by the astronomers. The trends have
extended to the further employment of either the mundane house cusps or the mid-point settled in the half way
between two adjacent house cusps those are deceptively fabricated as the aspect point made. Except for
the quardrant points,

unlimited uses of
the elements of mundane houses which are the imaginary existences conventionally settled will introduce the
mess of confusion in the theory of astrological laws established. Although the most practitioners have accepted
those extended traits for the convenience of their daily works they have to encounter the criticism given by
the psychologists in the charge of accidental coincidence

at the astrological prediction made. After the later
part of the Twentieth Century, we see several systems of astrology without consulting to the mundane houses.
The modern trait of astrological practice will be the prior brief study made by the house delineation back-up made by
the further study with the non house system for reference performed.
The system of the western astrology has been established for the prediction of life long schedules of a person born by
studying the information of the sky position of heavenly bodies at the moment of birth recorded. During its development,
the Ascendant or the sky position of the eastern horizon has been considered as the initiation information of the person.
Hence, the mundane house elected with its first house set at the Ascendant or ASC was proposed. As the mundane house
imaginary built is an important tool for the art of prediction a wise human should use the useful tool with the knowledge
of own best effort concentrated.
In case when the scientific approach to verify a law of western astrology will be successful we may find a rigid basement in
establishing the law of future prediction by studying the changing phases of heavenly bodies in astrology compiled. In such
occasion we may be able to study the detailed explanation in the mundane houses with more logical way than the past.
As we have already studied we may find the improved law of prediction by the mathematical study in the statistical analysis,
but we may have no way to perform the scientific verification.

As far as we may employ the art of astrology for the
personality study of a person we will have no difficulty to employ the empirical study for the past developed technique of astrology.