Since January 2003, this site has been busy with many visitors that have tried to search by the word of
CONSTELLATION in general selected. Although there are many books written under the title of astrology,
however, we see very seldom occasion in explaining a proper knowledge for the word CONSTELLATION.
In the old books, there were only a few words in the CONSTELLATION that has explained a specific knowledge
on the art of fortune telling that concerned to the word. Therefore, this author will invite the readers to learn on
the CONSTELLATION in the sky in astrology with a proper advice in enjoying the navigation through items of this site released.
The definition of constellation in astrology can be employed in the Aquarian Age and else. Although the
Aquarian Age will not be initiated in 2000 AD but it will be coming after 2152 AD instead,

the word of Aquarian Age will be correct in its definition specified.
We see also the Aries Age in the past.

Why the word such as Aquarian Age can be correct but the word of a person born under the constellation of
Aries in Japanese fortune tellers is in an error? This comes in the elemental misunderstandings of the most
Japanese fortune tellers who do not know the exact usage of the words of zodiac signs against the astronomical
constellation specified. In English, for instance, we specify the birth of a person such as born with the Sun in
the zodiac sign Aries while in Japan, the most fortune tellers tell a person born under the constellation Aries in
an error connoted. The astronomical constellation of Aries will have a span in the sky with only twenty four degrees
and its location will be found in the zodiac sign Taurus in 2000 AD approximately. Please see the illustration
given in the right side released.
The erroneous words such as a person born in the constellation Aries in Japanese fortune tellers in place of
English definition of the zodiac sign Aries in astrology will give a vital ill effect for the education of young
students in Japan brought.