After the development of the
philosophical ideas in Grecian age, the scientific knowledge of astronomy was branched out from the
emotional mythological knowledge of astrology left. And after another several hundred years of loss,
PTOLEMY in the Egyptian age in 100 AD has described the logical system of astrology in the first time in
the human history released.

Historically in the dark ages in Europe, the books of PTOLEMY were not popular there but
the emotional system of Babylonia type astrology on the basis of mythological stories was only
found in popularity until the fifteenth century in Europe.

Nowadays, no one use the information given by place of constellation for the astrological prediction.
The present translated words in Japan for the constellation in astrology are entirely in error. Thus a question placed by an innocent child on the difference between constellation and zodiacal sign cannot be answered properly.
There are eighty eight sets of
CONSTELLATION other than ANDROMEDA listed in the Chronological
Science Tables that is edited by the National Astronomical Observatory released. Among these many
star groups, the art of astrology has been employing twelve sets of
CONSTELLATION that is aligned
along the line within plus minus eight degrees from the
ECLIPTIC or the route of the Sun in the sky observed.
Historically, we have employed sixteen sets of
CONSTELLATION in the era of Babylonian age, however,
we finally have selected twelve sets for the use in the astrology.
This is the CONVENTION in the human
civilization to use the numeral twelve customized. We use twelve months where we have thirteen New Moons
in one year. We use twelve hours either in the morning or the afternoon where there is no sign of time
duration observed.
The problem concerned to the
ECLIPTIC was discussed since we have found the locus of moving bodies
such as located far off from the
ECLIPTIC in either the Asteroid or the new observed Pluto aroused.
As we have no reason to alter the calendar with thirteen months per year, we do not agree to alter the
CONVENTION of twelve zodiacs that are accustomed to our civilization popularized. Disregarding the
International Conference of Metric System, we see all aircrafts of the air and all sea going ships are
using the conventional system of miles measured. People are enjoying the golf play with yard and inch
Twelve zodiacs in the astrology are started from the day of spring ingress or the equinox of each year commenced.
Among many calendar systems of nowadays world, only two systems or the astrology and the Roman Catholic are
employing the spring ingress type calendar that was set for the ancient civilization of Sumerian commemorated.
As every one in Europe has accepted, the festival of
EASTER or a fest that commemorates Christ’s resurrection
was on the first Sunday after the full moon on or next after March 21 found.