エジプトの占星学3・ EGYPTIAN 3

エジプトの占星学の研究はエジプト人の一部の主張に反して西暦紀元前後の比較的に新しいものでしたが、 メソポタミアの人々やギリシャ人が理論的に説明ができなかった経験的な占星学を学問的に研究をしたエジプト人の 功績は高く評価すべきです。
Although Egyptian contribution in the study of astrology has been found only after the ages of the birth of Christ, we must evaluate high their contribution in the theoretical insight given to astrology that was never achieved by either Grecian or the people of Mesopotamia previously performed.

エジプトの占星学者として歴史に残るのは、チュサー、ドロシュース、マネトー、トレミー、ヴァレンスなどです。 チュサーは西暦2世紀に活躍した占星学研究者で、現在のエジプトのカイロの郊外で、当時はエジプトのバビロン という小都市の生まれです。特に火星が形成するアスペクトに関する記述が残っています。 ドロシュースは西暦1世紀に活躍した占星学者で詩人ですが、レバノンの南西部の生まれです。しかし、彼は エジプトのドロシュースと呼ばれています。彼はホロスコープを詳細に解説する記述を残しています。ドロシュースはおそらく世界で始めてハウス(地上の家)という考えかたを占星学に採用した人物でしょう。 しかし、ドロシュースのハウスは現在のような詳細なものではなくて、出生時に東の地平線から上昇してくる 12サインから数えて第十番目に相当するサインを天頂(MC)と定めています。注意すべきことは、現在の 日本人が誤解している星座とサインの区別を明瞭に表現していることです。 ref マネトーは西暦二世紀にエジプトで活躍した著名な占星学者の一人で六冊の著書が残っています。 トレミー・プトレマイオス(100 – 178)は世界最初の総合的な占星学教科書のテトラビブロスの著者として有名です。 ヴァレンス(120 – 175)はホロスコープ形式の占星学を理論的に解説した著書を記述した世界最初の人物といいます。 このように、エジプトの記録が占星学の研究として認められたのはキリスト誕生以後の新しい時代になってからです。 それ以前のエジプトの記録は原始的な天文学の記録を占星学と勘違いした一部の学者の思い違いです。
We can see the descriptions made by Egyptian in the names of Teucer, Dorotheus, Manetho, Ptolemy and Valens. Teucer was born in the small town near nowadays Cairo, formerly named Babylon of Egypt that was a military outpost of Egyptian army located. Teucer has wrote in the late first century the astrological characters of planet Mars. Dorotheus was an astrologer and poet born in a port of South West Lebanon but he was called as the Egyptian. Dorotheus was active in the fist century AD and he wrote books on astrology by explaining a type of Horoscopic system. He has commented his system in detail explored. Although he has roughly described the tenth zodiac sign counted from the Ascending zodiac sign at the birth of a person to indicate the zenith of heaven or MC designated, Dorotheus was the first person who described briefly the concept of the mundane house division of nowadays technique of astrology explored. There was no indication of mess of confusion on the misunderstanding between the zodiac sign from the constellation nominated. ref Manetho was astrological poet in early years of the second century and wrote six books in astrology released. Claudius Ptolemaios or Ptolemy (100 – 178) was the world famous astrologer. We see his books as the world first series of text books on astrology in Egypt released. Vettius Valens was an entirely different person and moved to Alexandria Egypt from Turkey and wrote nine books in astrology. Valens worked as a professional astrologer and proprietor of an astrological school established. These astrological works in Egypt were all described after the years of the birth of Christ and those of ancient descriptions in Egypt were all in the arts of astronomical observations that were faulty interpreted by a student of research as to be the description made for astrology in mistake.

エジプトで死者の再生ref を信じる心が薄れてミイラを作成しなくなったために、エジプトの占星学の研究が本格化したのか、 あるいは、ギリシャなどの近隣国家からの侵略の心配が消滅して民衆の生活が安定し文化が発達したので占星学の研究が 進んだのかという理由は不明ですが、長い夢から目覚めたエジプトの占星学は急速に発達したのでした。いずれにしても、 当時の平和になり、新しくギリシャ語圏の一員になったエジプトにメソポタミアの文化が集まった結果です。
We do not know the true reason of rapid development of the research of astrology in Egypt after the first century. We can now imagine two major reasons of an explosive boom up of Egyptian astrology. One may be from the change of life style in conversion from the belief of resurrection from deathref to the more realistic life that had to cease the long habit in making mummifies of dead rulers. Another reason may be from the peaceful calm life of people after the downfalls of the surrounding countries in Greek and Mesopotamia happened would be beneficial for the study of astrology. Although we cannot tell by know the true reason, however, it is evident that the rapid growth of astrological study in Egypt after the long sleep found in the first and second centuries were amazing. We can see the most ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was concentrated in to the peaceful newly Grecian language circle of Egypt in those days.

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