エジプトの占星学1・ EGYPTIAN 1
エジプトは天文観測では古い歴史があります。ナイル川の源流に近いアフリカ中部のルワンダのイシャンゴで 発見された約八千五百年前の骨に168本の傷がありますが、研究の結果、これは月の満ち欠けを観測した記録 であるといいます。ref 発見された場所はエジプトからはるかに南方の奥地ですが、天体観測の技術は ナイル川を下って、長い間にエジプトにこの文化が伝えられたと考えられます。歴史的に認められた説によれば、 月の満ち欠けを基準にした太陰暦を世界で始めて使用したのはメソポタミアで、太陽を基準にした太陽暦を世界 で始めて使用したのは紀元前2781年(約四千年まえ)のエジプトであるといいます。
Astronomy in Egypt has a long history. The bone of some eighty five hundred years was excavated from Ishango near Lake Edward Uganda that is located far south of Egypt up to near the origin of the Nile river. According to the report from a researcher, the marks of bone would be the observation report of changing phases of the Moon recorded.ref Although the excavated site is located far south of Africa, it is reasonable to guess that the arts of observation of astronomical bodies were transferred through the stream of the Nile river and arrived at Egypt after long years. We believe that the calendar system of using Moon phases was originated in Mesopotamia while the system using Sun travel was originated in Egypt in BC 2781 released.

占星学の歴史のなかで、エジプトに対する評価には 疑問が多いのです。その理由の一つには、ギリシャやメソポタミアref の文明が滅んだ後にまでもエジプトの文明 が生き延びたので、シュメール文明やバビロニア文明の中で都合の良い部分だけをエジプト文明として 盗用したと疑われるためです。その理由の第2は、ナポレオン軍はエジプトで発見したロゼッタ石碑ref の文章が エジプトのお国自慢の宣伝文であり歴史の事実を歪曲した記載であったので、エジプト人の記録の信憑性が 疑われたためです。
Although so many articles were found in the history of astrology with regard to the names of Egyptian, however, the nowadays evaluation on the contribution of Egyptian in astrology is somehow doubtful. There are many reasons of slow reputation of Egyptians in astrological studies. One of them will be found in the historical position of Egyptian that could survived long after the destruction of cultures of either the original Greek or the ancient countries of MESOPOTAMIAref flourished. This lucky position of Egyptian could utilize the lost civilization for the benefit of Egypt willfully by forging the true history of astrology lurked. Another major reason will be the much exaggerative description in the Rosetta Stoneref excavated by Napoleon troops in Rosetta Egypt in 1799. Fanatic boastful talks on the contribution of Egyptian in the history that was described in the Stone was enough to pull down the reputation of report made by Egyptians on the bona fide study of historical fact in general.

エジプトという国の歴史が古いことは事実なのですが、文明のすべてがエジプト起源であるという主張には 無理があります。世界の考古学で認められている約六千年まえの古代シュメール人が貿易契約の印に作成した 円筒印章がエジプトで発見されていますから、メソポタミア文化の根源であるシュメール文明が古代のエジプトに 影響を与えていたことは考えられますが、エジプト文明の象徴である太陽崇拝と死者のよみがえりの思想が メソポタミアで発見されるのは紀元前2000年(約四千年前)のことです。エジプトで死者のよみみがえりの思想が広まったのは紀元前五千年(いまから約七千年まえ)です。 同じころのメソポタミアの古代遺跡の発掘によれば、当時の発達した文化を持っていた古代シュメール人は 平和生活を楽しむ商業・通商民族でしたから、死者はシュメール人の守護神エンリルrefという空気の神様の 援助を自ら断った人物であると信じ死者を弔問しなかったといいます。この古代シュメール人が現世の 幸福のために占星学を発達させたのですが、死者のよみがえりを信じたエジプト人は来世の再出発を信じて 現世の幸福に淡白でした。そのために、天体観測の技術を暦の作成に使用しましたが占星学の研究には 使用しませんでした。
We can assume the activities of ancient Egyptian people in the considerable old ages, however, we cannot accept the boastful story of some Egyptians that had advocated the origin of all human civilization should be deduced to Egypt. The cylindrical seal stumps of authentic Sumerians in some six thousand years ago that had sent for their evidence of the commercial contract was excavated from Egypt that we can find the most clear evidence of Sumerian culture. On the other hand, the evidence of Egyptian culture that is represented by the adoration of the Sun with the RESURRECTION from the death was only found in Mesopotamia in the site of 2000 BC or some four thousand years ago excavated.Religion of the resurrection from death has been prevailing whole Egypt since 5000 BC that was some seventy hundred years ago. According to the reports from archaeologists excavated the sites in Mesopotamia, the ancient Sumerian in the same era had seldom mourned the deaths that have refused by themselves the help from the guardian god ENLILref that was the god of air. For the rich peaceful commercial tribe of Sumerian, the death has come only after ceasing the respiration of air. Astrology was developed by the worldly mundane life of Sumerian studied. On the other hand, the people who believed the resurrection from death in Egypt had seldom studied the astrology but they had concentrated their effort in astronomy to the preparation of world oldest solar calendar technology developed.

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