アディー調波7 ・ HARMONICS of ADDEY 7
アディーの第6調波は体を動かすリズムを表現します。彼は学生時代にスポーツ選手でしたが、 脊髄カリエスで車椅子生活を余儀なくされました。彼の出生図の月6度のフタゴは第6調波で 6度のオウシです。出生図で6度のオトメの土星は第6調波で6度のサソリになり出生図の6度のウオの 天王星は第6調波では 6度のサソリになり共に第6調波では月とオポジッションです。(小数点以下四捨五入計算)アディーの第8調波は周囲の環境を表現します。 エバーティンが晩年提唱した45度法のハーフサムがトランジット天体の360度一周に対し8回接触refしアディーの第8調波に相当しますから、45度法のハーフサムの使用を推奨します。
Sixth harmonic of Addey will indicate the rhythmic activity of a person. We must recognize his actual hard life in a spinal disease suffered. Although he spent his youth as a sport champion he has had to spend his later half on his wheel chair sat. We see a source of his works that specified the third harmonic for the sports champions and the sixth harmonic for the rhythmical movement nominated. For instance, his birth Moon in six degree Gemini will become six degree of Taurus in the sixth harmonic, his birth Saturn in six degree Virgo will become six degree of Scorpio in the sixth harmonic and his birth Uranus in six degree Pisces will become six degree of Scorpio. Thus his sixth harmonic will have difficult aspects in the Moon with Saturn and Uranus joined. Above figuring is rounded off. Eighth harmonics of Addey will indicate the surrounding condition of a person. As a transiting moving bodies of the sky will contact a point in the system of forty-five-degree chart of Ebertin or 45-degree-halfsum ref in eight times for the rotation of 360 degrees, this author recommends the reader to use this system before asking Eighth harmonic of Addey explored.

ninth Addey ヒンヅー占星学の第9チャートは 女性が結婚で得る生活を表現しますがアディーの第9調波は人生の最高地位を示します。 アディーは原子爆弾の開発に功績があった物理学者フェルミの第9調波と原子爆弾 が広島で爆発した瞬間のトランジット図を示しました。詳細は「調波・占星学入門」平河出版刊・石川源晃著の51ページ を参照。本サイトでは、アディーが創立に尽力した英国占星学協会AAの創立図(1958年 6月21日・19:22 London) と会長を1961年から1973年まで勤めたアディーの第9調波との関連を示します。 図でアディーの第9調波を内側に示し、AAの創立図のうちアディーの第9調波と 関連している一部を抜粋し図の外側に示しました。アディーの第9調波のASCが AAの創立図の天王星とスクエアーになりますがAA創立図のASCもMCもアディーの 第9調波とクロス関係にないので省略しました。なお、アディーの第9調波の 土星がAAの創立図のキロンとタイトなコンジャンクションを形成するのは印象的です。
The final goal of human life will be indicated in the Ninth harmonic of Addey. Although the HINDU astrology has suggested the ninth chart for indicating the married life of a girl, however, Addey has suggested it with the human top contribution of a person memorized. According to Addey, the Ninth harmonic chart of Enrico Fermi born in 1901 has indicated strong aspects with the moment of atomic blast at Hiroshima Japan in 1945 that should be the life work of Fermi contributed. In this site, you will be invited to study the Ninth harmonic chart of John M. Addey in the inner circle of the chart in the right and the foundation chart of The Astrological Association or AA founded at 7:22 PM in London on June 21, 1958 in the outer illustrated. Although the Ninth Harmonic of ASC of Addey has formed square aspect with Uranus of AA chart, no cross aspect was formed to the Ninth of Addey’s to either ASC or MC of the AA. You will recall the importance of the cross aspect in any harmonic charts of Addey. We must ask your attention on the tight conjunction of the Ninth harmonic of Addey’s Saturn to Chiron of the AA chart formed.

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