H. M. “Gen” Ishikawa has described the research article on the statistical analysis of the aircraft disasters
studied by the astrological technology

and he released it in 1975. The monthly Bulletin of American Federation
of Astrologers, Inc. or AFA has presented its full 25 pages of September issue for this single research article. During the
whole years of AFA history of sixty five years up to present there was no one except him to be given the honor to
submit full pages of the monthly Bulletin for a single person. This article was highly appreciated in the whole
world particularly studied in England. In 1977, RECENT ADVANCES IN NATAL ASTRLOGY published under
the aegis of THE ASTROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION or AA has described its many pages in its whole 598 pages
for this particular article of H. M. “Gen” Ishikawa with the highest level of evaluation in its description presented.
H. M. “Gen” ISHIKAWA is active in recent thirty years by describing eighteen articles in the monthly Bulletin of American
Federation of Astrologers, Inc. or AFA and he is the first person to publish a research work of astrology in the U.S. under
the title of DIVISIONAL HARMONICS that is his unique system of astrological prediction explored.

He has lectured in English at the consecutive world wide bi-annual conventions of AFA since 1978 through 1998. He has
been selected since 1992 through 2004 one of twelve board of directors of AFA voted by mail from all members of AFA.
His activity in Japan was first recorded in the description of TEXT BOOK of ASTROLOGY by MARUZEN Co. Ltd. in 1978.
It was followed by the consecutive publication from HIRAKAWA publishing Co. in JISYUU SENSEIGAKU NYUUMON in
1988 and it associated series of text books in ENSYUU, OUYOU, CYOUHA and JITEN. He has made lectures in the classes
of NHK of TOKYO, NAGOYA and OOSAKA or the National Broadcasting Corporation organized.