アスペクト 12 ・ ASPECT 12 石川源晃著

Great Circle
古代のシュメール人は星を組み合わせ星座を考え12の星座を木星が通過し元の星座に戻るのを発見し取り扱う商品を12個単位でまとめました。現在習慣として12という数を使うのは古代シュメール人の功績です。ref 古代ギリシャ時代に学問が発達し立体表現が 可能になりましたが、占星学は古い時代の平面上に天体を描く表現を守りました。 英国のラファエル(1795-1832)は占星学の三次元表現を 試みましたが現在は二次元に戻りました。
Astrology has been studied on the surface of two dimensional plane projected. This has been an endued technique of astrology since the age of ancient Sumerian in the northern hillside of Mesopotamia in the West Asia located. In looking at the sky at night they have sketched out an imaginary vision of philosophical pattern by joining many stars in a group assembled. This is now called a constellation astronomically. They found the planet Jupiter moving through twelve sets of constellation and returned to the first one. Then they invented unit of one dozen that is compiled from twelve pieces of merchandise handled. Our nowadays conventions using the numeral twelve are set on the memory of works of ancient Sumerian participated. ref In some twenty three hundred years ago, the Grecian people have developed the astronomy and the mathematics studied. Then they wrote the heavenly bodies in three dimensional scopes projected astronomically. On the other hand, the study on astrology has been limited on the two dimensional surface until RAPHAEL or Robert C. Cross Smith of England, 1975-1832 has published three dimensional studies on astrology released. However, our nowadays study has returned to old two dimensional scope that was used by the ancient people. In this website, the author will explore the reason of failures in the system of RAPHAEL released.

上図の宇宙の大円は無限大の距離に描かれた架空の球体です。この大円の中心は地球の中心です。星座や12 サインは大円の内部の面に描かれますが、球面が無限大の距離にあるので球面の内面は二次元の世界です。 木星などの惑星は地球に近い位置に存在し図の天体軌道上を動きます。多数の天体の軌道は多数存在 しますが、天体は大円内面の二次元平面に投影されますから、占星学は二次元平面の上で研究されています。 地球上のA点と地球の中心を結んだ点を天空に伸ばせば宇宙の大円と交わる点がMCで あり、地球の反対側へ伸ばせば反対側がICになりますが、占星学ではこれを2次元の 平面上に描きます。
Great Circle in the illustration above indicates a hypothetical cube centered at the center of our global earth with the diameter of cube in an infinite scale of distance from us located. All heavenly bodies either a set of constellation of stars, or twelve set of signs, or moving planets are projected inside the surface of the cube illustrated. As the surface of cube is located at the infinite distance from us, this shape can be imagined as made of two dimensional plane surface. Any planet including Jupiter moves through on the locus of a planet settled. Many heavenly bodies are recognized from the earth by being projected at the inside surface of cube that is imagined as to be two dimensional plane surface. Thus, the study of astrology is made on the two dimensional surface plane imagined. MC and IC in three dimensional arrangement is also described in two dimensional view.


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