Forty-five-degree system of HALF-SUM was recommended by Reinhold Ebertin in his later life explored.
As the whole circle is divided by eight into forty-five-degree, this system will indicate the environmental
condition that is similar to the eighth harmonics of John M. Addey indicated.

Practical merit in the prediction performed by the forty-five-degree system of
HALF-SUM will be
a simple indication of the contact points selected. In a sample case born in January 1, 1970 at
midnight JST, or nine hours ahead of GMT, the natal Mars is 12 Pisces and the natal Uranus is
9 Libra that makes the axis of medical treatment to be (342 +189) / 2 = 265.5 = 266 or
26 Sagittarius calculated. As indicated in the left view, 26 Sagittarius is classified in 26 mutable
or 26 M in a short notation, that will be similar to the contact point formed in the sign of Gemini.
These are made by the round off calculation on the minutes.
As all contact points in the forty-five-degree system of
HALF-SUM are equal value in the prediction
of astrology, 26M or 15 + 26 = 41 will be the similar point of 12 degree of FIXED sign or 11 F.
Therefore, the transiting Jupiter in either 11 F or 26 M will be a good indication to start the
medical treatment for this person performed. Any moving body except Jupiter in contact with the
point will cause a trouble in the medical treatment. Malefic planet is of course dangerous. Benefic
planet except Jupiter can be harmful in the particular organ specified by the heavenly body studied.
There are two points in the same effect for the forty-five-degree
type HALF-SUM calculated. For the planet in zero degree of either
Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, the contact point is either C0 or 15F.
For the planet in zero degree of either Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, the
contact point is either F0 or 15M. For the planet in zero degree of either
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, the contact point is either Mo or C15. Practical
ORB for the contact point will be set two degrees. In practice, the transiting Jupiter in the period
of retrograde and direct changing point will be preferable for a long stationary point of contact. The
malefic planet such as either Neptune or Pluto will repeat the retrograde motion that makes sever
disturbance for the safety period in the medical treatment axis performed.
No compromising effect will be expected by a beneficial indication of HALF-SUM as was indicated by
a beneficial aspect formed against maleficent aspect existed.