アディー調波5 ・ HARMONICS of ADDEY 5
アディー調波はCFMの行動パターンの 困難を乗り切った後に、FEAWの情緒のパターン火地風水のやすらぎを期待します。従来の考え方はCFMの困難な スクエアー・アスペクトオポジッション・アスペクトをFEAWのトライン・アスペクト調停して困難が 存在しないとするキリスト教の免罪の考えかたでした。しかし、アディー調波はCFMの困難に直面して 努力して克服をした後に、到達する成果で得ることが出来るFEAWのやすらぎを楽しむ方法を教えています。この点を 安易に考えた著書が存在しますが、アディー調波の本質を見落とした誤った意見です。従来の西欧の占星学は中世期の王様のような退屈な贅沢な生活を維持できるFEAWの情緒のパターンを 重要視しましたから、出生図のトライン・アペクトを最も貴重な表示と考えました。しかし、トライン・アスペクト の退屈な温室生活が幸福な人生でないことが理解をされるようになりました。アディー調波 は専門的分野に対し、個々にCFMの緊張状態を乗り越えた後に、アディー調波の要素の間の FEAWの安らぎを見出すという新しい方法の人生指針を得ることができます。
Although John M. Addey has emphasized the efforts in struggle of a specific CFM or cardinal, fixed and mutable combination of signs, however, he did not deny a soothing effect given by the FEAW combination after achievement of success by the struggles in CFM has been taken. Do not mix up his soothing effect with the conventional system in compromising aspect of trine on a planet under difficult aspect incurred. Such compromising system of astrology has been influenced by a part of idea came from the indulgence of sins in the Christianity proposed. Instead, the idea of Addey has come from his life that any joy could only be achieved after a hard effort of struggle encountered. A book of some other authors who have mixed up the soothing effect in the harmonics of Addey with the conventional compromising effect of trine aspect must be in error. In the traditional western astrology, we appreciated a lucky calm life of medieval kings that were emphasized by the trine aspect formed in FEAW or fire, earth, airy and watery triangle. As nowadays people have come to recognize the dull and lazy life of kings should not be an ideal life for human, the trine aspect in astrology that connotes the calm life in a greenhouse should not be recommended any more. The harmonics of Addey has come to meet this modern trend of life required. We can see a proper guide line of human life after managing the hard combination of CFM signs in astrology for the specific item of the selected human life, we will get a soothing life in FEAW combination of easy signs for the rest encountered.

Ed8 トライン・アスペクトを含む西欧の占星学のイージィ・アスペクト(クインタイル、セクスタイルなど)にはヨードref の危険や凶星に力を与える危険refが存在します。アディー調波でFEAWを利用する場合には、さらに面倒な問題が発生します。右図で、恋愛のために退位して王様の名誉と責任を捨てたエドワード八世( 1894 – 1972 ) の第5調波の金星、天王星とMCのグランド・トライン・アスペクトを使用したために、アディーの第5調波の人生の努力目標の第5調波の月と水星の 「いてのサイン」M零度に収斂する表示と、MCの「おとめのサイン」M零度に収斂する表示が教える自己責任を放棄して、1936年に退位しました。その 結果を示す第7調波では、責任を受け持つ太陽と交際を受け持つ水星のオポジッション・アスペクトが第7調波での人生を楽しむことを妨げることになります。
Easy aspect in the western astrology that includes either trine or quintile or sextile will introduce a difficulty incurred from other unexpected phenomena introduced. We must prepare for YOD ref in sometimes. We will find a danger from the strengthened power of maleficent planet by the trine aspect of the Sun. ref Another danger may be found in the FEAW sign combination of the planets in the harmonics of Addey explored. For instance, in the fifth harmonic chart of the Edward VIII, a grand trine aspect formed by Venus Uranus and MC that connotes a love with a woman in divorce that has been against the British law for the king was marked. He has selected this love by abandoning his responsibility to his nation in 1936 which is indicated by his fifth harmonic chart by the Moon and Mercury in mark M of Addey that connotes the convergence of planet into zero degree of sign Sagittarius or the mark M in a hard struggle of responsibility. As the result of his violence of his duty to his nation he could not enjoy his later life indicated in his seventh harmonic chart. We see the seventh Sun indicating his responsibility has formed the opposition aspect with seventh Mercury thus he has to suffer the hard later life with his people met.

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