Mathematic probability was reported in 16 century by French mathematician Pascal (1623-1662)
in the research on the chance in getting odd number on appearance of a dice in gamble expected.
However, the scientific use of mathematical statistics was proposed only recently after May 5,
1922 when W. S. Gosset has written a letter on this subject suggested. After this, it becomes
some times a kind of all mighty tools to persuade opponent person on calculated figures
advocated. Although the people are not accustomed with the details of calculating process
to handle the figures in the statistical analysis, there are many problems before getting to
touch with the figures found in PROBABILITY defined.

One of them is the PRIOR PROBABILITY that
will be described here under.
The illustration in the right indicates the research of this
writer on the change of birth rate in the recent Japan that was compiled from the data given
by the Government office released. The report is also published in my name in the Journal
of Research Vol.6 No.1 1990 by the American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. released.
For instance to study the effective guide to advice the occupation of job selection suggested,
this list will be useful to study the PRIOR PROBABILITY that indicates the changing birth rate
of Japanese people recently trended. In the list, birth rate indicated a peak in the winter
season in the years of 1947 through 1970 compiled. This trend has changed widely after 1970
with a peak in the summer season found. The high rate of births in winter in the agricultural
countries and the high rate of births in summer in the industrial countries are widely known
internationally, however, it has happened very drastic in Japan in a short period after 1970.
Without studying the illustration that indicates the PRIOR PROBABILITY, we cannot even study the problems in astrology in depth.