統計確率 2  PROBABILITY 2  石川源晃著


数学で確率を計算する場合には無限の時間と空間を考えます。天文学は百万年単位の時間と空間を考えますが、 占星学は長くて一万年で、平均では数十年の有限の時間と空間を考えます。ですから、天体の動きも最近の百年間の 動きを事前確率で検討をします。筆者が研究し1992年に日本で発表した20世紀の天体 の動きの内容の一部を1975年9月に米国AFAで発表しましたが、「最近の出生占星学」1977年 英国AA出版で筆者の研究内容を注目した記事を97ページと290ページで紹介しています。百万年平均の天文学 の計算に比較して実際の天体の動きの変動は概略して10パーセント以内にとどまるものですが、火星の動き は計算した平均値を約3倍(282パーセント)も大きくずれています。小惑星ベスタのずれが火星に次ぐ大き さです。周期論の研究は別項に譲りますが天体の動きは上記の表のように非常に不安定なものですから 占星学が天体周期を利用しているという一部のATT誤った周期論者の意見は改めなければなりません。ref
Mathematics will set up the equation on the infinite time and space. Astronomy will set up the equation on the unit range of million years imagined. Astrology will set up the theory in less than ten thousand years. It will be mostly several ten years duration in the average span settled. Therefore, the prior probability regarding to the movement of planets will be studied on the data given in the recent one hundred years. The list illustrated in this page indicates another example that the prior condition on any items in the study of astrology is not so simple and uniform as to believe the announced value of astronomical study on the moving rate of solar bodies calculated. Since astronomers calculated the moving rate of solar bodies with the long period of one million years, most people are in a different understanding of connotation on the period of either one day or a few days of short duration encountered. Therefore, the study on the prior probability on the actual moving rate of solar bodies will be discussed with another important example case explored. This writer has published a part of study on the actual moving rate of solar bodies in September 1975 in the Bulletin of American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. released. This was cited with a good reputation described in pages 97 and 290 in the Recent Advances in Natal Astrology published in 1977 that was prepared under the aegis of The Astrological Association in the United Kingdom released. With comparison to the astronomical calculation given by the astronomers with the period of one million years, the deviation in the actual moving rate of solar bodies remained mostly within ten percent approximately. Exceptional cases in Mars in 282 percent or almost three times deviation and in Asteroid Vesta in 261 percent are marked. Although the discussion on the CYCLES will be made in another chapter of this WEBSITE, the people in believing magical effect of planetary cycles must recognize their errors on misunderstanding in the cycles of moving solar bodies at the actual case of high rate of deviation found on the mean value calculated.ref

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