周期論 1 ・ CYCLES 1 ・ 石川源晃著
Astrology is not the prediction system deduced from the combination of cycles of planets in heaven.
It is entirely misunderstanding of an immature with idle opinion that any event in the world will
be predictable if one knows the cycle involved. The Foundation for the Study of Cycles was
established in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. in 1940 and any kind of cycles are registered upon
request received. Several thousand of cycles were applied for registration soon and this organization
has ceased its service terminated. CYCLES ARE FOUND EVERY WHERE. According to the explanation
of researchers, anything holds own cycle and there are infinity numbers of combination of cycles.
Cycle of the planet Jupiter is 11.86 years. Cycle of the planet Saturn is 29.46 years. Cycle of the
planet Uranus is 84.08 years. All are in approximated values respectively calculated. We expect
these three planets and our earth aligned in joining one line of same direction once in about
twelve thousand years. Confusing matter of precession will make the cycles of planets in a
complicated arrangement of figures observed.
Study on CYCLES is deduced from old Grecian philosophy in the idealism of a stable condition.
The study of western astrology is established on the actual planet in heaven that is moving with
wobbling motion around a specific cycle involved. On the other hand, the arts of most fortune
tellers are complied on the fixed figure of steady cycles; those figures are based on either 2, or 5,
or 6, or 9 as well as the combination of them in either 12, or 30, or 60 found. According to new
CHAOS physics in 1975, any fixed cycle is only observed in the dead and past matters. There is
no steady cycle in the movement of active living matters. For instance, the PULSATION of human heart
will not be fixed but wobbling around a specific value of sixty per minutes. In case of this person
is dieing, the pulsation of this person will become steady and fixed cycle without wobbling observed.
Stock market prices may be analyzed by the modern computer system. No one knows an epoch
of transiting moment that is changing from one style of movement to another where several
candidates exist. The study made by new CHAOS physics has revealed the status of transiting
moment found in the moving stock market price to be a typical model of movement found just
before the CHOS status is coming. No one can select properly next price in the market. Because
of the reason that
the stock market price is active and living creature.
Fixed concept of repeated
cycle is only found in the past and dead phenomena of historical matter.
See CHAOS physics more detail.カオス混沌と死・CHAOS and DEATH