ハーフサム 5・ HALF-SUM 5
station 占星学の長い歴史の試行錯誤の期間に多くの研究者が見逃した重要な問題が多数存在します。
ハーフサムの軸がトランジット天体に接触している期間がを含んでオーブ 2度以内であれば、強力な影響を期待できます。
There are many subject matters are left insufficiently studied in the art of astrology during its long history experienced. People who were zealously studied the cases of retrograded planets ref have paid little attention for the effect of planet that stayed in the period of slow movement observed. The illustration in the left will indicate the possibility of a longer period of influence formed by the transiting planet that has passed through two consecutive STATIONS in the retrograde movement observed.

ハーフサム(ミド・ポイント)と通常のアスペクト ref を比較した研究によれば、オーブ2度以内のハーフサムの影響力のほうが、オーブ2度以上離れたアスペクトよりも 強力であるといいます。
一般的に、トランジットの外側大惑星( SatUraNepPlu )は長期間にわたりアスペクトの影響を与えますから、Jup の穏やかな 効果を期待する場合には、外側惑星の影響(オーブ2度以内のメイジャー・アスペクト) が存在しないノーアスペクト(ラック・オブ・アスペクト)refの期間を使用すれば、Jup(ステーション)が構成するハーフサムを有効に利用できます。
Few serious reports on the intensity of the half-sums or mid-points that are compared to the intensity of aspects ref are released. According to the reports given by the most practitioners, the intensity of aspect would be much stronger than that of given by the half-sum or mid-point. The effective benefic influence expected in the formation of the half-sum or the mid-point will be found during the period of NO aspect or the lack of aspect refoutside the major aspect in the orb of two degrees. You may enjoy the beneficial half-sum formed in the station of transiting Jupiter encountered.

Plu が逆行する割合ref は他の天体よりも多いいのですから、Plu(ステーション)に なり、トランジットの Plu が接触してハーフサムを形成する期間が長くなります。Plu は善悪に無関係に常に強力な影響力があります。ですから、トランジット天体が接触して形成するハーフサムでは、変化速度が速い内側天体よりも、変化速度が 遅い外側天体が接触するハーフサムを積極的に利用すべきです。 出生図のは運気停滞という古典的な意見もありますが、トランジット天体のは 積極的に利用すべきでしょう。
As the planet Pluto being observed much more in the retrograde motion than the other planets, ref the period of contact formation of the half-sum made by the transiting planet Pluto in the station would be very much often than the formation of contact found in the other planets. The planet Pluto will contribute anything in excess of indication in either beneficial or maleficent trait formed. Thus, the result obtained in the half-sums or the midpoints would become much more effective in the contacts that is formed with the slower outer planets than with the rapid inner bodies. Although the stationed planet in the natal chart might indicate the delayed development, the stationed planet in transit will be useful.

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