
古代ギリシャ人は天文学を学問の「ロジー」という言葉でなくて、学問の一部門を表現する「ノミー」とい う言葉で定義したのですが、天文学者たちが「なぜ?」という学問研究の姿勢を保ち努力したのに対して、 占星学を研究する人々は「占いの当たり外れ」の技術的な問題に興味を集中したために、「なぜ、星が人間 生活に影響を与えるのか?」という占星学の根本的な問題に興味を持ちませんでした。紀元前三百年ころのギリシャ論理的・議論時代のあと、ローマ支配の信仰重視時代、中世期の精神論優先の 暗黒時代(四世紀から十世紀)、十八世紀以降の機械文明、二十世紀の電気文明時代になりました。この間、 天文学ケプラー(1571-1630)refの楕円軌道論・ニュートン(1643-1727)の万有引力の法則、アインシタイン (1879-1955)の一般相対性理論などを使用して論理的な研究を進めてきましたが、占星学はコンピュータの 計算技術を借り天体図を作成する程度の実務的な研究や、占い予測の的中例の統計的な研究(筆者発表の 航空機事故の統計的な研究・1975年AFA会報)などに関心が集中して、基本的な「なぜ?」という問題に対する 占星学ATT 論理的研究をおろそかにしました。
Old Grecian people have defined the word astronomy which connotes a portion of whole knowledge of logical study of astrology long acquired. After this definition, the astronomers have worked most hard to explore the mechanism of celestial bodies they observed. On the other hand, the astrologers are busy for seeking the fortune telling arts that are mainly technical items on fit-and-fail of prospect guessed. Thus the astrologers have been innocent on the logical study on the reason to what extent and with what mechanism the human on earth have had to suffer the influence of celestial bodies they examined.
After the era of Grecian logical debates, those era of many series are found; the era of Roma in much of religious atmosphere, the middle dark ages from the fourth through tenth century in much of spiritual atmosphere, the mechanical civilization age in the eighteenth century and the electrical civilization age in the twentieth century followed. During those long period of years, the astronomers have been working to explore the logical research on the structure involved in either the individual heavenly body or the construction of whole scale of the sky with the aid of the law of elliptical orbit of planet developed by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)ref, the law of universal gravitation developed by Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and the general theory of relativity developed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955) respectively applied. The most astrologers, however, were attracted either in the technology of computer electronics on the calculation of charts in the fortune telling arts, or the statistical analysis made on the fit examples of prediction performed by the astrology such as reported by this author in 1975 in AFA Bulletin on the aircraft disasters examined. On the other hand, the most astrologers have attracted only a little on the logical research in the exploration of elemental items such as the reason why the human suffers from the influence of stars incurred.

占星学は何千年という長い間に世界の広い地域で多くの人々が経験した占い予測の 的中記録を証拠に、占星学の法則が正しと主張しています。占いが当たらなければ、 占いをする意味がありません。しかし、占いが当たれば当たる理由を研究する 必要がないと主張するのは誤りです。どのような技術も取り扱う人の個人的な能力に左右 されますが、理由を研究すれば、さらに個人的な能力を伸ばすことができます。ATT
歴史的に占星学が先に存在して天文学がその後に誕生したのですが、占星学天文学愚かな娘として 非難される理由は占星学の研究者たちの後進性にあることは明らかです。
天体と地上の金属との関係を 研究したドイツのコリスコや英国のコラストロームの業績refが忘れ去られたり、 筆者の提案(AFA会報・2001年 5月)ref に対して論理的な研究機運が盛り上がりません。天文学は 光、重力、電波、X線など物理学で研究できる素性が判明したものを使用して研究を進めますが、占星学 はどのような仕組みで天体が地球上の人間生活に影響を与えているのかという理由を解明できません。
Astrology has come at first and astronomy has followed next to the astrology in the historical sequence recorded. Partial reason on an unduly charge from the astronomers that entitled the astrology to be a foolish daughter of astronomy will be in the undeveloped attitude of the most of astrologers in the research confronted. As the most astrologers are interested in an immediate problem in the fortune telling technique, they are not serious on either the reports of Kolisko of Germany and Kollerstrom of the Great Britain for the reaction of metal on earth with the movement of heavenly bodiesref or a proposal of this author placed in the AFA Bulletin Today’s Astrologers May 2001.ref These few reports of logical researches have seldom accepted by public. In the study of astronomy, we can employ the light, gravity, radio waves and X rays of the tools supported by the physical science. In astrology, there is no tool to explore the reason of reaction of the metal on earth with the movement of planets in the sky observed. It has been a durable discussion of people that many records from many places of the world during several ten hundred years on the nice fits of prediction made by astrology should be the most sufficient evidences. Of course, there will be no reason to ask the prediction if we could not expect a nice fit of the art tried. And still we need to know the mechanism of fit to improve the quality of fit of prediction that had been left in the hands of practitioners too much relied. Any art needs the help of a skilled practitioner who will become active on hand the proper knowledge of mechanism of art operated.

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