The rule of ORBS of ASPECTS is one of the important conventions in astrology.
However, there is no serious study that the orb is applicable to the point of spring ingress
or vernal equinox studied. The people of occultists advocate the orb in ten degrees on the
vernal equinox that will give seven hundred years of allowance in the edge of the AGE of
constellation ingress entered. This will make the overlap in total of one thousand years
approximately between ARIAN AGE and PISCINE AGE found. The occultists are only thinking to
expect for the earlier coming of AQUARIAN AGE that should come after PISCINE AGE elapsed
than the astronomical calculation has justified.
Therefore, their advocated opinion on
orb in constellation will be unreasonable. Historically, the theological disputes on
early Christianity was settled by the fourth century and the Christian center was established
in Rome by that moment. The unsettled period of years in Christianity will justify the overlap
of the end of ARIAN AGE and early part of PISCIAN AGE that is about three hundred years
calculated from the overlap of two sets of constellation in four degrees astronomically
In the research on the natural science, we place a trial point that is based on the HYPOTHESIS
that was deduced from the contract made by the owner of a ship between the constructer of ship
in the era of Greek in about two thousand years ago practiced. In the text of such contract,
the constructer agreed to receive money paid after the first sail of the ship was successful.
In the research on the law of natural science, we have tried the best effort to certify the
HYPOTHESIS settled. In the research of astrology, we followed the technique established by the
study of the natural science explored. Only point of problems will be in evaluation on the
result obtained. As the most astrologers are accustomed to say big on the result of prediction
they performed for the benefit of business shake, they are not sober enough to say the failed
result openly. The reported result of the basic research to explore new law of natural science
before it was established was quite low such as three percent success or less after many trials
were made. Such low rate problems are out of the region of religious faith that expects to
believe a matter with CONFIDENCE
on the item discussed. These are the major reason of difficulty to study
the border problems on the orbs of aspects in astrology that the residual effects
are observed out side the region calculated.
In the experiments of natural science, we sometimes are confused by the unwanted noise that could
overcome the necessary signals. For instance, we have no way to indicate the strength of gravity by
the scientific instrument although we can observe the change of tides of ocean sea level in accordance
with the changing position of the Moon observed. As the gravity power will never be utilized in the art
of astrological prediction, we will be disturbed by the unwanted noises that might give us fault confidence
by placing the true evidence of good fit of prediction result demonstrated.